Chapter 53

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Dara stepped hard on the accelerator, her teeth clenched tight. Her car zoomed past all the others, going past red lights, making heads turn.

She was worried, horrified, furious.

Where is Jiyong if he didn't go to school?

Who is Jiyong with if Jaehyuk, Jongwook and Daejeon are all imaginary?

Is Jiyong...really cheating?

"It can't be..It can't.." Dara shook her head and raced into the kindergarten. She burst through the doors, causing several children to shriek in shock.

"KYAAAHH!" they screamed.

The caretaker rushed out from inside. "What happened kid-" she faltered. "MISS PARK?" her eyes widened.

"WHERE IS JIYONG???" Dara shrieked, her face pale. She looked around and didn't see her boyfriend anywhere. Her fists clenched with the sweet kiss he gave her just that morning when she dropped him off here.

"Miss Park, please calm down!" the caretaker advised.

"You ask me to calm down?" Dara screeched. "My boyfriend made up three imaginary friends, he skipped school for no reason, and I don't know where he is! HOW CAN I CALM DOWN?"

"Calm down please Miss Park!" The caretaker pleaded. "I know where Jiyong is!"

"WHERE?" Dara asked urgently.

"Please listen to everything I have to say before you get angry with Jiyong or something!" The caretaker pleaded again. "He didn't come to school because he is working at a cafe down the road-"

Dara didn't wait till she finish and she ran out again. The caretaker sighed. "Why didn't she finish listening! I haven't even got to tell her that the reason Jiyong went to work was because of her!" she exclaimed in despair. "Now she's definitely going to misunderstand!"


Not even bothering to take her car, Dara ran to the cafe near the kindergarten. She panted as she stopped outside the door and peered through the glass window.

Her heart stopped momentarily when she saw Jiyong inside, wearing a waiter's costume. Despite the circumstanges, she had to admit she was stunned by how amazing her boyfriend looked. He looked hot no matter what he wore, and Dara could see that the numerous school girls in the cafe were all there because of her boyfriend.

I mean, they were even holding their phones behind the menus and trying to snap pictures of her boyfriend.

Dara wanted to storm in and pull Jiyong out immediately, when someone else in the cafe caught her eye. Her heart stopped.

Jiyong was having trouble balancing several plates together, and a pretty and cute girl appeared in a waitress uniform, taking the plates from him.

Jiyong beamed at the girl and the girl sent him a  cute smile. They looked so compatible, so cute together, like they were made for each other.. but that girl was...

"Sohee?" Dara gasped. "Why the hell is Sohee working here WITH MY JI?"

Dara burst into the cafe and the bell at the door tingled merrily. "Welcome to the ca-" Jiyong faltered as he turned around.

"Ssantoki?" He squeaked.

Dara fumed and grabbed her boyfriend and pushed him out of the cafe. Her mind was in a whirl. She never expected Jiyong to lie to her, much less go working and flirting with a girl he had rejected.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Dara roared once they got out. "Why did you skip school? Why did you make up Jaehyuk, Jongwook and Daejeon? Why are you working? WITH SOHEE?"

Jiyong's bottom lip trembled and he played with his fingers nervously. "Ssantoki..." he mumbled. "Don't be angry..."

"Of course I'm angry, Ji!" Dara growled. "You lied to me! Of all the people, I never expected you to lie to me, JI! You're my boyfriend!"

Jiyong nodded. "Yes! Jiyong is Ssantoki's boyfriend! That's why Jiyong is going to make Ssantoki happy!"

"By cheating on me with Sohee?" Dara screeched. "I never expected that to happen, Ji!"

Jiyong flustered and waved his hands about. "It's not that Ssantoki! Jiyong is working because Jiyong needs money!"

Dara eyed him. "Why do you need money then?"

Jiyong gulped. "I can't tell you.." he whispered.

Dara's heart dropped. "You can't...tell me?" she croaked. She looked at him with pain in her eyes. "Since when did we start having secrets from each other, Ji?"

"Ssantoki..." Jiyong wanted to hug her desperately but she kept pushing him away.

"Ji, I'm giving you a chance." Dara breathed. "I want you to quit this job immediately and come home with me. Or we will be over."

Jiyong's eyes grew wide. "No! Jiyong loves Ssantoki! Jiyong wants only to be with Ssantoki!" He wailed.

"Then prove it to me." Dara demanded coldly. "Quit your job and go home with me. Now."

Jiyong bit his lip and shook his head. "Jiyong can't..."

"What?" Dara gasped.

"Jiyong can't quit yet." Jiyong shook his head. "Not enough. Not enough..."

Dara looked away with tears in her eyes. "I guess I'm not that important to you, Ji. You choose Money and Sohee over me." she muttered.

She looked at him as pain flashed in her eyes. "We're over, Jiyong."

With that, she ran away, wiping the tears from her eyes. Jiyong stood rooted to the ground as he watched her. "Jiyong can't go yet..." he cried softly. "But not enough yet.."

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