Chapter 68

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"Haha Seunghyun Hyung!" Seungri guffawed. "We just finished our mission, and you want to go back home? Hey this is a good time to play around since our girlfriends aren't with us!"

TOP threw the maknae a disgusted look. "Sorry man. The only girl I'm interested in is Bom." he growled. "And anyway, I promised to buy her some corn from Seoul." he smiled to himself.

Seungri rolled his eyes and turned to Daesung. "Daesung Hyung~" he whined. "Aren't you going to have some fun when Minzy isn't around?"

Daesung shook his head. "I want to go back to Minzy. I miss her already." he grinned.

Seungri scoffed and turned to his last hope. "Youngbae Hyunggggg~~~"

Youngbae smirked at him. "Yah maknae." he grinned knowingly. "There's no need to act as if you don't need your Chaecat to live. Because during the fight just now when you were almost shot by that other guy, I heard you squeak, 'No! My Chaecat!' " Youngbae grinned.

Seungri reddened. "YAH YAH YAH!! I didn't.." he mumbled.

"Don't lie maknae." TOP grinned.

Seungri wrinkled his nose and threw his hands up in defeat. "OH ALRIGHT!" he sighed. "Let's just go back. I bet that Chaecat's dying to see me."

"Think it's the other way round." Youngbae mumbled.

The four drove back to their house in Busan. The moment they stepped out of their car, they felt it.

There was something wrong. Something dreadfully wrong.

"Shit." TOP cursed as he saw the front door of Dara's house wide opened.

They raced into the house and saw everything overturned, the couch thrown against the wall, the television set crashed into a million pieces.

"They came." Daesung gasped. "And from the looks of it, a lot of them came." he looked at the others, confused. "I don't understand. The rest of the Kwon clan isn't that able to defeat our girls.. Unless.."

"They committed their whole clan to capturing our girls." TOP nodded. "We just didn't expect they'd leave their lair so vulnerable, just to get them."

Seungri growled softly as he charged out of the door. "We're going to get our girls back."


It was futile.

The moment Big Bang got outside, they were surrounded by four formidable gangs.

"Teentop, Infinite, B1A4 and even Beast?" Youngbae raised his brows. "The whole Kwon Clan is here to catch us?"

Doojoon smirked. "We are here to get you. Just like how we got your girls."

"YOU BASTARD!" Seungri charged at Doojoon but was pushed onto the ground by L.Joe and Baro.

"You know it. You're gonna lose." Sunggyu smirked before the whole Kwon Clan closed in on the four vulnerable men.


The Park Leader paled when he stepped out of his house. He had the rest of the Park clan with him, but what he saw outside his house. It scared him.

"What the hell?" Leeteuk, Park Leader's right hand man, second after Big Bang, gasped.

"They came. The whole clan." Jonghyun paled considerably. "How can we defeat them?"

Woohyun smirked as he threw an iPad towards the Park Leader. The later caught it without any difficulty.

His eyes widened when he saw the video on the iPad.

It was a video, set in a dark room. Four girls were tied up in the corner, and they were desperately trying to escape.

The Park Leader's heart cringed when he saw the girl in the centre. "Dara..."

The door of the room opened and another four men were pushed into the room. The Park Leader felt his heart drop.

It was his best Park gang in the clan. Big Bang.

They had successfully captured the people who mattered most to him, they had everything he lived for. And they were bargaining it for his life.

The Park Leader narrowed his eyes at them. "Take me." he sighed in a low voice.

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