Chapter 62

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Jiyong opened his eyes and felt a sharp pain tugging at his head. He groaned and clutched his head with both his hands. "Ugh. Head Hurts."

He tried to sit up and he felt someone help him up, propping pillows behind him.

He saw a vague figure in front of him, looking at him intently. "Ji, do you know who I am?"

Jiyong opened his eyes to look at the girl and his heart skipped a beat. His Ssantoki. A warm feeling spread throughout him and he wanted to smile, to take her in his arms.

When he realised she looked familiar. Not because she was his girlfriend. But because...


When Jiyong was just 5 years old.

A photo was slammed down in front of Jiyong and he blinked at it. It was a photo of a beautiful young girl, and Jiyong felt attracted to the girl even then.

"Umma?" Jiyong asked.

"Don't Umma me." Madam Kwon growled. "I'm Madam Kwon. And this is Sandara Park. I want you to remember her."

"Because someday you're going to kill her."


"They killed your father." she seethed. "They made you fatherless. They made me husband-less. They broke our family. They deserve to die."


"You are not Kwon Jiyong." Madam Kwon repeated. "Kwon Jiyong is an ordinary 23 year old man who has nothing special about him."

"You are G-Dragon." she growled. "Strong, merciless, and invincible. Remember that."


Jiyong's eyes widened when he realised why Dara looked familiar. *Because I'm supposed to capture her. My Ssantoki..*

*Oh my god. I'm G-Dragon. FUCK FUCK FUCK. Why must I be G-Dragon!!!!* he screamed in his mind.

He hardened his expression, an ability that he had mastered when he was still G-Dragon. "...Sandara Park." he coughed out after moments.

Dara squealed and hugged him. Jiyong used every ounce of determination he had in him to prevent himself from hugging her back. *You can't be with her. You're her enemy.*

"Sandara Park. There is something you need to know about Jiyong." he said in a firm voice. Dara looked at him curiously, never expecting what was coming next.

"I am G-Dragon."


Dara blinked at him, not getting what he was saying. "What are you talking about Jiyong?"

Jiyong's heart broke, knowing that she will crumble. "I am G-Dragon, Sandara Park. I am a Kwon."

Dara's eyes widened. How did Jiyong know about the Kwons? About G-Dragon? Where did he get that information from?


"It can't be." Dara took a step back. "You can't be..." She laughed. "Ji, don't kid around when you don't know what you're talking about!"

Jiyong winced and he took a step nearer to her. Dara panicked and she ran downstairs, only to find the rest of the members down in the living room. They perked up when they saw her. "Is Jiyong alright? Does he remember you?"

Dara avoided their questions and opened the door. "He's okay. And we need rest, so do you. Go back to rest." she said softly.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief. "Oh ho~" Seungri grinned. "Someone wants some couple alone time. Alright guys, let's go back now that Jiyong's alright."

"Bye Dara." Everyone chorused and filtered out of the house.

Dara closed the door, her mind in a whirl. She turned around, only to find Jiyong standing behind her with a hard expression. She gazed at his eyes, his gentle hazel coloured eyes.

They were the same colour as that gangster's.

"Ji..." her gaze wavered.

"I told you I'm G-Dragon." Jiyong repeated. "I'm not Jiyong anymore, Sandara Park."

"Sandara Park?" Dara looked at him with a hurt expression. "What happened to Ssantoki? So what if you're G-Dragon? I love you and you love me! You're still my Jiyong and I'm still your Ssantoki!" she screamed.

"DARA!" Jiyong roared, holding her shoulders and making her look at him. "I AM G-DRAGON!" he roared...

"The Jiyong you knew never existed. I am G-Dragon and I have always been G-Dragon. I am a heartless gangster, I kill, I hurt, I destroy. Jiyong loves you..."

"But G-Dragon doesn't."

Dara took a step back, a tear trickling down her cheek. She shook her head in denial. "No.. you love me." she mumbled. "You can't just say that easily!"

Jiyong looked away and strode towards the door. "Because you helped me when I lost my memories, I will not capture you now. I will let you go. But the next time I see you, I'll catch you." he spat.

Dara teared and hugged him from behind, feeling Jiyong stiffen in her arms. "Don't leave.." she whimpered. "Please don't leave me..Ji.."

Jiyong squeezed his eyes shut and let out a sigh. *Why must I be G-Dragon?*

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