Chapter 14

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"Goodnight Jiyong. Sleep tight!" Dara tucked him in and slowly made her way out of the room.

All of a sudden, a hand gripped her wrist and pulled her back. "Ssantoki~~ don't leave me alone.." Jiyong pleaded.

Dara turned around and bit her lip. "Ji, it's late and I'm tired. I want to sleep too." she sighed.

Jiyong looked at her puzzled. "Then why don't Ssantoki sleep here with Jiyong? Jiyong wants to sleep with Ssantoki~" he pouted.

Dara blinked. "But J-J-Ji.." she stuttered. "I don't think it's right to sleep with you every night."

Jiyong's eyes widened and tears threatened to fall. "Why? Does Ssantoki not like Jiyong?" his voice trembled.

Dara didn't know what to do when Jiyong buried his head in the pillow and began thrashing wildly. "SSANTOKI DOESN'T LIKE JIYONG! SSANTOKI DOESN'T LIKE JIYONG!" he whined.

"Jiyong.." Dara patted his head. "Arraso arraso. I'll sleep here alright? Don't cry anymore." she pleaded.

Jiyong's head popped out from the blankets, his eyes shining brighter than light bulbs. "Really?" he squealed.

Dara nodded and crawled into bed with him. She patted his head. "Now sleep alright? I'm tired." she yawned and closed her eyes.

She felt her head being lifted from one pillow to another, and two strong arms cricling around her waist. Hot breath landed on her lips and she opened her eyes curiously.

"Ji?" she gasped, seeing his face just inches away from hers.

"Goodnight Ssantoki!" Jiyong flashed a billion dollar smile.

Dara softened. All the irritation she felt from this five-year old like man disappeared in an instant of that sunlike smile. "Night." she closed her eyes.

Jiyong watched as Dara's breathing began to turn slower and softer, and he smiled. "Jiyong likes Ssantoki. Jiyong doesn't want Ssantoki to leave him. Ever." he whispered as he brought her closer to himself, closing his eyes to sleep as well.


Sunlight filtered through the window, shining mercilessly on Dara. She squinted and woke up from her sleep. She tried to get up, but the hands that were holding her down were still tightly circled round her.

She smiled softly as she watched Jiyong sleep peacefully. *Honestly, though he's supposed to be twenty something, he can be rather cute like a five-year old. And it's not only how he behaves.*

Dara glanced at the clock and was shocked that she had only had a four hour sleep. But she felt reenergized and fresh. It was a great sleep.

She shook Jiyong gently and the latter squinted cutely. "Ssantoki?" he mumbled.

Dara stifled a giggle and she pulled Jiyong to a sitting position. "Wake up Ji. Don't sleep too long."

Jiyong puffed his cheeks and pouted. "Jiyong wants to sleep more..." he mumbled almost incoherently. "Sleeep..."

He fell back on bed and buried himself beneath the blankets. Dara laughed. He really acts like a five year old. Even more than how that maknae Seungri she might add.

"Jiyong..." she shook him again. "Wake up. Please?"

Jiyong's head appeared beneath the blankets with his eyes closed. He reached out and Dara smiled, taking his arms because she thought he was prepared to get out of bed.

Instead, he pulled her down on his chest with his massive strength and rested her head on the crook of his neck. "Ssantoki.. You sleep too." he mumbled.

Dara gasped, stiffening on the spot. "Ji?"

She felt Jiyong's breathing slowing down as he fell asleep again. She felt safe in these arms of a five-year old, of it even made sense.

She didn't want to get up.

"Ji..." Dara pushed him again as common sense struck her again. "We have to wake up. I have to go to school."

Jiyong frowned. "Ssantoki. You said you won't leave Jiyong. Why are you going again!" he whined sadly.

Dara bit her lip. "But I can't skip school to accompany you right Ji?"

Jiyong pouted confusedly. "Why not?" he asked. "Pleaseeeeee Ssantoki~~~"

Dara hesitated a few seconds. She thought of the boring lessons and the old grumpy lecturers. She looked back at Jiyong who was looking at her with pleading eyes.

She smiled. "Alright."


Dara covered her ears and laughed. *Maybe just skipping one day won't hurt. At least I know it would be more fun than attending lessons.*

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