Chapter 25🎆

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"LEE SEUNGHYUN!!!!" Youngbae roared and flexed his muscles

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"LEE SEUNGHYUN!!!!" Youngbae roared and flexed his muscles.

"Mian mian!!" Seungri darted behind the couch. "I thought Jiyong was watching his Power Puff girls! I didn't think he would come and peek when I was watching those!"

CL glowered at him. "You shouldn't even be watching those in the first place!"

Seungri smiled cheesily at her. "But I wanted to learn more of those stuff before I actually do it with you!" he exclaimed.

CL kept a straight face but her cheeks were burning red. "Yeah excuses!" she roared. "Now Jiyong's pure mind has been corrupted by you!"

While CL was chasing Seungri all over the house, Youngbae glared at Jiyong who was looking completely confused at the situation. Dara's cheeks were still a rosy pink and she avoided Jiyong's gaze.

"Why are you so angry?" Jiyong asked confusedly. "Did Jiyong do something wrong?"

Youngbae growled. "OF COURSE YOU DID!" he roared. "You can't kiss someone anyhow you like! And more than that, touch her!"

Jiyong scratched his head. "Kissssss? What's that?"

Daesung chuckled. "That's what you did when yours and Dara's lips touched."

Jiyong's eyes brightened. "Ohhh~" he nodded. "That sparkling explosion!"
Dara's face grew redder, he felt the same way about that kiss as her. Youngbae frowned and went to Jiyong, staring down at the latter who was sitting down. "You better get it in your head Jiyong! You can't do that to Dara EVER AGAIN!"

Jiyong pouted and nodded. "Arraso... in the end Jiyong didn't even get a praise..."

"A praise?" Minzy cocked her head to the side.

Jiyong nodded. "Neh." he admitted. "The girl said, Oppa you do it so well! Jiyong thought if Jiyong did that Ssantoki would say that to me too..." he puffed his cheeks.

Bom burst into laughter. "So you just wanted to hear Dara praise you?" She guffawed. "Hahaha Dara if you had just praised him before that nothing would have happened!"

Dara blinked. So that's why Jiyong helped her wash the plates and wanted to feed her. He wanted her praise.

She didn't know why she felt rather disappointed that was the reason for his actions. So it was just for a praise.
Not for anything deeper, like lo-
Dara shook her head to clear her mind. Oh god, how one kiss made her mind feel like it had been tossed into a washing machine.


Dara touched her lip and her thoughts involuntarily travelled to the kiss she and Jiyong shared the previous night. *STOP THINKING STOP THINKING!* she screamed.

Only Bom and Minzy were chatting loudly, instead of the usual four. Both of them narrowed their eyes at CL. "Yah something's up." Bom grinned. "Why are you so quiet today Chaerin?"

CL blushed unconsciously. "N-N-nothing.." she stuttered.
"No way was that nothing, Unnie!" Minzy protested. "Just tell us! Something between you and Seungri Oppa?"

CL bit her lip and gave a curt nod. "Yesterday..." she said in a small voice that was nothing like her usual personality. "He...he kissed me."

"KYAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!" the other three of them began screaming their heads off.

"Omo omo omo!" Bom squealed. "FINALLY!!!"

CL gave her a look. Bom grinned sheepishly and gestured for her to continue. "And he asked me to be his girlfriend." CL continued.

"So? Did you agree?" Minzy asked eagerly.

CL shook her head. "I didn't want to be such an easy girl you know. And Seungrat's too horny for his own good, I don't want to be another slut in his life."

"He loves you Chaerin, you know that." Dara cocked her head to the side. "You're different from the other sluts."

CL smiled. "I know." she smirked. "But I'm still not going to be that easy to get."

Bom snorted. "Bitch." she giggled. "To think that I agreed even before Seunghyun completed his sentence!"

All of them laughed and chatted.
Dara couldn't help but think back to that kiss with Jiyong. Even CL had her first kiss with Seungri, and it was out of love.

Her kiss with Jiyong...there was no love.

It made her feel sad for uncomprehansible reasons.

But the fact that they kissed made her happy.

*Argh.* Dara shook her head. *I'm going mad.*

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