Chapter 39

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"Hey Dara ah." Youngbae smiled as he picked her up from her class. "Do you want to catch a movie?"

Dara thought of Jiyong who would be getting off school now. "Yeah." she smiled half-heartedly. "Why not?"

Youngbae grinned and pecked her cheeks, leading her out. They met with the other 2NE1 and Big Bang members, as they approached the front gates.

"Wowowow where are you two lovebirds going?" Seunghyun wriggled his eyebrows at them. Youngbae rolled his eyes while Dara giggled. "The movies."

"The movies?" Seungri gasped excitedly. He cuddled CL and jumped. "Chaecat~~ Let's go to the movies too! I wanna watch Johnny English!"

CL gave him a look. "Yah. The new couple wants to have some time alone, don't disturb them!" she snapped.

Seungri gave her a pervertic look. "Speak for yourself Chaecat~ it's because YOU want ME for yourself right?" he smirked.

CL rolled her eyes and threw her hands up in defeat. "I give up!" she sighed. Minzy and Daesung giggled.

"Hey what's the commotion outside school?" Bom pointed at the amount of students gathered at the gates. TOP raised his brows and he caught a student that was walking past them.

"Hey." TOP smiled. "You know what's happening there?" he pointed.

The student bowed slightly at the presence of the formidable TOP who was the idol of many girls. "I heard there's a mentally disabled man or something there. He has been there since morning I heard. Looking for his rabbit."

TOP nodded. "Thanks." and sent the student off.

"Rabbit?" Minzy giggled. "That sounds like Jiyong Oppa calling for Dara Unnie."

Dara stopped walking. Mentally disabled man? Rabbit? *OH MY GOSH. It can't be!* She let out a yelp and ran to the gate as fast as she could. She maneuvered through the crowd and saw a few boys gathering round a guy that was squating on the floor.

"Hey stupid guy! What are you doing here in front of our university?" one guy asked. "Trying to get a bachelor's degree?" he snickered.

"I'm looking for Ssantoki." the man folded his arms defiantly.

"A rabbit?" another guy smirked. "Sorry kid. We only have brainacs here. Want a rabbit? Go find at the park near here!"

Dara's eyes widened when she saw the man that was the source of all that attention. "JIYONG?!" she shrieked as she rushed forward.

Jiyong's eyes lit up and he pounced on her immediately. "Ssantoki!" he sobbed as he hugged her waist tight. "Ssantoki! Jiyong waited so long for you!"

"Ji?" Dara could not believe her eyes. "What are you doing here? How did you get here? Why are you here?"

Jiyong looked at her seriously, she almost forgot he was supposed to be five. "Jiyong is here to take Ssantoki back. Jiyong wants my Ssantoki." he told her firmly.

"Dara? What's happening?" Youngbae asked as he finally managed to push through the crowd. His eyes widened when he saw Jiyong in their premises. "Jiyong?" he gasped.

Jiyong narrowed his eyes at Youngbae and anger began firing throughout his body. It was this man, this man that had stolen his Ssantoki from him.

"YOU THIEF!" Jiyong charged forward and landed a punch on Youngbae's jaw. "You stole Ssantoki from Jiyong! Jiyong hates you!"

Youngbae felt his bones almost cracking as he fell on the floor upon impact. It was one hard, skillful punch. If not for the fact that Youngbae was still shocked about why Jiyong was there, he would have bowed down to Jiyong for his amazing skills.

Youngbae wiped his lip and saw blood. *That kid, he punches well.*

"Ji!" Dara gasped and pulled him away. "What are you doing Ji? Are you insane?"

Jiyong looked at her. "He is bad! He made Ssantoki change! HE IS BAAAAD!" he wailed loudly.

"JIYONG!" Dara screamed, effectively shutting him off. She was undeniably shaken. He had followed her all this way here, just to find her. Even a thirty year old wouldn't have that much patience and determination.

And the always smiling and cheerful Jiyong, he actually hit someone. He hit someone for her.

*I'm doing him so much harm even before he leaves for his own life.* Dara flinched. *What is going to happen when he really leaves for good?*

"Jiyong!" Dara growled in a cold voice. Even Minzy was shocked at how emotionless she sounded. This wasn't the Dara unnie she knew.

"You're making such a scene!" Dara scolded. "I'm so ashamed of you!"

"Ssantoki?" Jiyong breathed, unable to believe how she was reprimanding him so seriously for the first time.

"Dara I'm sure he just misses you.." Youngbae tried saying.

"And?" Dara looked at Jiyong. "This gives you reason to misbehave? I'm so disappointed in you Jiyong. I won't care about what you do anymore." she helped Youngbae up and walked off.

Jiyong stared at her in disbelief, not even knowing how to cry anymore. "Ssantoki..." he croaked, collapsing on his knees.

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