Chapter 47

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Dara sat down on the couch, siting opposite of Youngbae. The rest of the members had gone back to their respective houses after the rescue mission, tired and catching up on sleep.

The air was thick with regret, hesitation and guilt.


"Dara ah-"

Both of them looked at each other for a few seconds, before bursting into laughter. "I'm sorry. You go first then." Youngbae gestured good-naturedly.

Dara bit her lip wistfully and peeked at him. "I just wanted to say..." she mumbled. "Thank you. And sorry." she looked at him sincerely.

"Thank you for saving Ji. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for loving me." she smiled softly with gratitude. "And sorry...that I can't return your feelings." she hung her head.

Youngbae went over to her and patted her head. "It's okay Dara. I understand you can't force matters of the heart." he nodded.

"It's fate that you found Jiyong on the road and you fell in love with him." he looked a little regretful. "No matter how much I love you, nothing will change the fact that you two are meant for each other."

Dara smiled at him gratefully. Youngbae let out a small sigh. "Although I have to say I am disappointed, but I know you'll be happier with him."

"Youngbae..." Dara's voice cracked.

"And it hurts my ego you know!" Youngbae joked. "I lost to a five year old equivalent!"

Dara giggled, her face flushed. "Mianhae Youngbae, I didn't know how I fell for Ji as well...but I just found myself looking at him in a different way, thinking about him all the time.. I really don't know how it happened." she confessed.

Youngbae flinched. How he hoped those words she just said were about him instead.

"But you're a good guy Youngbae." Dara looked at him in the eye. "You deserve someone better than me."

*There's no such person.* Youngbae thought bitterly but he didn't let it show. He took her hands and looked at her seriously.

"Jiyong's past remains an unknown, and so is his future. But since you've decided to love him, then I'll support you in this decision. If anything happens, we will be behind you." he assured.

Dara softened and threw her arms round Youngbae. "Thank you Youngbae. You're my most important friend." she sniffled.

Youngbae smiled and wrapped his arms round her. *And you're my most important source of life.*


Dara let go of Youngbae without hesitation and Youngbae could only sigh inwardly. Jiyong appeared at the bottom of the stairs, rubbing his eyes tiredly as he just woke up from his tired nap. He suffered a few bruises here and there, but he was alright on the whole.

"Ji, you're up?" Dara smiled brightly. "Are you hungry? Want something to eat?"

Jiyong shook his head and pouted cutely. "Jiyong still wants to sleep. But Jiyong wants Ssantoki to sleep with me."

Youngbae bit back a smile. This guy was really the cutest thing on earth. He just couldn't match up to him, ever.

"I'll get back." Youngbae mumbled, going to the door. "Take care of Ji. And sleep well."

Dara watched as Youngbae went and she sighed softly. *Mianhae Youngbae. I'm really really sorry.*

Jiyong tugging at her sleeve woke her from her trance. "Ssantoki.. Can you sleep with Jiyong please? Jiyong knows Ssantoki said you can't sleep with Jiyong when Youngbae is your boyfriend, but-"

"He isn't anymore, Ji." Dara giggled softly at how clueless he is. "You're my boyfriend now."

Jiyong's eyes widened in surprise. "Jiyong is?" he brightened. "Really?"

Dara smiled teasingly. "Well you said you loved me, and I told you I loved you too, so I assumed I'm your girlfriend and you're my boyfriend. Unless..." she raised an eyebrow. "You don't love me?"

"NONONO JIYONG LOVES SSANTOKI!" Jiyong waved his hands around furiously. "Jiyong wants to be Ssantoki's boyfriend!"

Dara giggled and pulled Jiyong up the stairs. "You're tired, Ji. Go back to sleep."

Jiyong yawned cutely and crawled under the covers. He pulled Dara in with him and trapped her tightly in his arms.

Dara sighed in content. It has been too long since this. She missed being in his arms, it just felt so right.

"Ssantoki.." Jiyong mumbled in his half conscious state. "Jiyong's really happy. Ssantoki is my girlfriend."

His grip on her tightened. "Jiyong won't let anyone hurt my Ssantoki."

"Jiyong loves Ssantoki."

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