Chapter 69

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Dara's eyes widened when she saw her father being hauled into the room, tied up.

They had finally done it. The Kwons had finally captured the Park Leader.

Dara cringed, knowing that this would only mean one thing for them. Death. There was no way the Kwons would let them off alive, even if it was in a very tattered form.

The Park Leader and Dara met eyes and he sent her an apologetic look. They really hadn't expected the Kwons to take them down one by one.

Dara bit her lip as she scanned the whole of the Kwon clan who was standing in front of them with smug expressions. They were familiar faces, gangsters that had laughed attacks on the Parks since she was old enough to know what was happening.

But there was one important face was missing.

*Where's Jiyong?* her eyes darted around. *The Kwons captured the Parks. Shouldn't he be involved?*

An evil sounding cackle woke Dara from her thoughts. Madam Kwon smirked at the entire Park clan who was captured and tied up, beneath her feet.

"I've been waiting for this day for so long." Madam Kwon exclaimed smugly. "Haven't you, Park Jinwook?"

The Park Leader growled softly and glared at the woman. Madam Kwom remained unaffected as the mysterious smile remained on her face.

"Teddy," she ordered. "Remove the tape from his mouth. I want to hear his useless threats before he dies."

Teddy nodded and yanked the tape off the Park Leader's mouth so hard, it was hard not to flinch. "Bitch." was the first thing the Park Leader seethed.

Madam Kwon raised her brows. "Oh you call me bitch? You don't know what you've done to my family." she growled.

"And you don't know what you've done to mine." The Park Leader met her glaring gaze. "You deserve to die million times for what you've done."

Madam Kwon cackled. "Fool." she smirked. "If I were you, I would use my time to plead for mercy."

She rolled her eyes. "Although it's not like I'll spare you. Maybe just make your death a little less painful?" she mused.

The Park Leader let out a low growl from his throat. Madam Kwon snickered and went over to Big Bang and 2NE1.

"Oh ho. Big Bang and 2NE1." she smiled sarcastically. "The Park Clan's best fighters."

CL glared at her while TOP muttered something under his breath.

Madam Kwon picked four gang members and they surrounded TOP. "TOP, Choi Seunghyun. Invincible. But would you be if you're tied up, and against four?" she smirked.

"THAT'S UNFAIR!" Bom roared angrily, causing Teddy to slap her to shut her up.

TOP glared at the Kwon clan members as he was yanked off his place and made to stand up. Before he could even let out a growl, the four Leader's of the four gangs began showering him with punches and kicks.

Jinyoung stomached him hard, Doojoon punched his face, CAP kicked his chest, and Sunggyu hit his jaw.

TOP couldn't fight back, and all he could do was grit his teeth in attempt to take in all the attacks. By the time they were done with him, he was tattered and most definitely broken, while Bom was sobbing like she never had.

Dara winced with every attack. She hated how they were so very vulnerable right now. She wanted to have a chance to fight against the Kwons, but they had used such means to get to the Parks, they didn't even get a chance for a fair duel.

"STOP IT!" Bom screamed hysterically. "Don't hurt him anymore!"

Madam Kwon raised her brows and smirked. "Interesting." she remarked. She looked at the Park Leader. "Do I sense some love within your clan? Let me tell you something Park, love does you no good. It only hurts you. It's the reason for the war between our two clans."

The Park Leader glared at her. "And it isn't love's fault. It's your obsession."

Madam Kwon cackled and turned her attention to Bom. "Since this lady here so wants to take her boyfriend's place, then we shall grant her wish." she shot Teddy a look. "Change victims."

In a minute, the one sitting in the middle of the room, taking all the attacks wasn't TOP anymore. But Bom.

"Arrggghhh!!!" Bom growled. "Bastards!"

Yoseob smirked and slapped her. "Pretty. But too noisy." he smirked.

Dara bit her lip every time one of her friends get beaten. It was a cycle, taking down every single one of the people she loved. The girls and the guys were injured and weak, some even coughing blood.

Dara wished she could take their place, but no matter how she shouted, Madam Kwon paid her no attention.

The Park Leader couldn't bear seeing his dear member's getting hurt like that. These kids were like his own, he had watched them grow up and had developed a fatherly bond with them. He can't just sit there and watch them get thrashed.

"Yah!" he roared. "It's me you want! Just kill me already and don't hurt the others!"

Madam Kwon narrowed her eyes at him. "Can't take it already?" she smirked. "The best hasn't even started. Teddy!" she called. "The acid!"

Teddy went to take a whole bottle of acid immediately and handed it to Madam Kwon with a disgusted expression on his face. Madam Kwon dropped a drip of acid on the wooden bench, and immediately the point of contact began sizzling and the wood began to dissolve at that area.

Madam Kwon grinned. "Park. What would it feel like if your very own daughter was poured on the face with this acid, in front of you?"

"You wouldn't." The Park Leader's eyes widened.

"Oh hell yeah I would." Madam Kwon smirked. "And I can tell you, it hurts. Worse than hell."

Dara shivered as Madam Kwon made her way towards Dara, uncapping the bottle of acid in a sickeningly slow manner.

Dara tried to wriggle away but Madam Kwon grabbed her chin and pulled Dara's face up. "Pretty for now." she hissed, before tipping the bottle.

Before a drop of acid could reach Dara's face...

"Don't you dare touch her!"

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