Chapter 37

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"Jiyong, from today onwards you can't sleep on the bed with me." Dara told him firmly.

Jiyong looked at her with wide confused eyes. "Eh?" he looked lost. "What does Ssantoki mean?"

Dara bit her lip. "I have a boyfriend now Ji, I can't sleep on a bed with another guy. I'll sleep on the couch and you'll sleep on the bed."

Jiyong furrowed his brows. "Boyfriend? What's that? If Ssantoki having a boyfriend means Ssantoki can't sleep with Jiyong, then Ssantoki..don't have a boyfriend.." he pleaded.

Dara looked away coldly. "I'm already Youngbae's girlfriend, Ji. Just sleep alone. You must learn to grow up." she told him, before leaving him alone on the bed.

Jiyong looked at the cold empty bed and his bottom lip trembled. "What's a boyfriend? I hate it!" he whined.


"Ssantoki! I want my goodbye hug!" Jiyong pouted as he waited by the kindergarten's door. Dara looked at him and got onto her car. "I have a boyfriend, Ji. I can't hug you."

Jiyong watched hopelessly as Dara drove off, leaving him without his usual hug.

Her face was cold and emotionless, not the usual warm smile that lit her pretty face. Jiyong didn't understand what was happening to his Ssantoki, but what he does know is that he hates it.

"Boyfriend." Jiyong growled. "I hate it."


"Ssantoki! Let's watch Power Puff Girls together!" Jiyong squealed and pulled Dara to the couch. For once, Dara didn't say no to him that day and just sat beside him.

Jiyong beamed happily and cuddled Dara, laying his head on her lap as usual. *Ah~ My Ssantoki is back to normal!*

All of a sudden, his head was pushed off her lap and he landed on the floor. "OWWIEE!!" he whined.

Dara looked at him. "You can't touch me so casually anymore Ji. I told you. I have a boyfriend." she repeated like a robot.

Jiyong could not take it anymore and he burst. "What's a boyfriend Ssantoki! Just get rid of it! I don't like Ssantoki having a boyfriend!" he blurted.

"That boyfriend would be me."

Jiyong turned and saw Youngbae striding into the house, a small smile especially for Dara. He came over and wrapped his arms round Dara's shoulders. "Hi Dara ah." he grinned.

Jiyong growled at their contact and yanked Youngbae away. "What are you doing? If Jiyong can't do that, you can't do that too! Ssantoki already has a boyfriend!"

Youngbae smirked. "I'm her boyfriend, Jiyong." he grinned happily, holding Dara by the waist. "I'm the reason why you can't hold her or touch her casually anymore."

Jiyong furrowed his brows at him. "WHY?" he asked defiantly. "Why can't I touch Ssantoki if you're her boyfriend?"

Youngbae gave him a look. "I'm her boyfriend and she's my girlfriend. This means that I'm hers and she's mine. No one can touch her, hug her or kiss her except me."

Jiyong eyes buldged out. "WHAT?" he shrieked. He looked at Dara for help. "Ssantoki! Jiyong can't hug you anymore?" he asked, depressed.

Dara shook her head. "You can, but I won't let you." she said firmly. "I'm going to be a loyal girlfriend. I won't let anyone else touch me except my boyfriend."


Dara and Youngbae looked at each other. "You can't Jiyong." Youngbae told him. "Dara can only have one boyfriend and that's me. You are only her roommate so just live with it from now on."

Jiyong watched as Youngbae took D
Dara out for a date and he was left with an empty house.

Dara willed herself not to turn back. She had made her choice and she is going to stick by it no matter what.

Youngbae smiled sweetly at her as he narrated the plans for the night.

She heard not a single word. Her thoughts were focused on Jiyong and only Jiyong. *I'm going to have a hard time avoiding him from now on...*

Dara didn't turn back as she went. She didn't worry for his meal, his safety, his anything.

It seemed as if he didn't exist in her world anymore.

"Jiyong hates boyfriends..." Jiyong wailed loudly. "Jiyong doesn't want Ssantoki to have a boyfriend. Jiyong wants Ssantoki for myself!"

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