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"What do you mean, Sunbae (senior)?" Youngbae gripped the phone tight. 

"The Kwons are attacking the Park Lair! And boss isn't around, he brought the next best gang, INFINITE with him on business! We can't manage!" The older but weaker man squeaked. 

"Be right there." 

Youngbae dashed out of the store, instantly forgetting about his purchase. The Big Bang members received the news and rushed to the Park lair in Seoul immediately. They decides that 2NE1 was to stay in Busan with Dara while they went to protect their clan instead. 

TOP flexed his muscles as he saw fellow clan members being thrown around and beaten up badly. 

"Damn. They need training." he growled. Seungri nodded. 

"Much more." 

 The four of them set off in an instant, merging into the crowd like a blur. 

Daesung grabbed Hoya's head and crashed it with Dongwoo's. Both of them laid on the floor, dead in faint. Seungri grabbed Woohyun's wrist and swung him over his shoulder. Woohyun flew high in the air, before landing on his fellow gang mate, Sunggyu, and both of them crashed on the floor. TOP dodged Sungyeol's attacks and swung a metal rod, hitting Sungyeol right on the head. 

 "Wouldn't have hit you if you weren't so tall dude." TOP smirked. 

 Youngbae found himself face to face with the leader of this invasion himself. 


 Youngbae was giving his all, fighting his butt off, but Jiyong didn't seem to be breaking a sweat. Sure, he had to keep his mind on the fight to dodge and analyze the attacks. To be honest, Youngbae was a good fighter. Not as good as TOP perhaps, but fair enough. But Jiyong could keep half his mind focused on the attacks, while the other half was looking around. His eyes darted around, searching. 

Youngbae felt offended. Was he that bad of a fighter that G-Dragon couldn't give his full attention? 

"Give me your best shot and don't you dare hold back." Youngbae seethed as he tried to land a punch on Jiyong's chest. Jiyong smirked. 

"I'm not going to waste time. She isn't around." he blocked on of Youngbae's fist and swung the latter on the floor. 

 "Game over." Jiyong rolled his eyes mockingly. 

 "Retreat, Kwons!" he roared. 

"The Park daughter is not around!" The battered Kwons groaned and picked themselves up, following their head fighter out of the door. 

 Youngbae groaned in frustration. They could only beat G-Dragon if their whole gang fought against him. One to one? No fight. 

"Hey man you okay?" TOP helped him up. 

 Youngbae forced a smile. "I'm fine. Just pissed." 

Daesung nodded. "Understand. That G-Dragon is a tough nut to crack. His other men are much lagging in their fighting skills. Much of the Kwon clan's success is due to him." 

 Seungri pouted. "I quite envy his power. Maybe he got it from banging lots of girls?" he joked. 

TOP rolled his eyes. "You do it and I'll tell Chaerin." 

 Seungri pouted. "Not like she's going to accept me anytime soon." he scoffed, but he didn't say anything else after that. 

TOP sighed at the mess of their lair. "But I'm glad though, that Dara's at Busan. If she wasn't there, she might have been taken for all we know." 

 Youngbae could only nod in agreement. 


Jiyong pretended to ride his bike and speed off. His mind was constantly on that Park daughter. She was always at the Park lair or at her mansion. There were many words to describe the Park leader, and one of them is protective. Jiyong knew their Sandara Park was only allowed to go to the lair or back home, unless she was accompanied by one of the Big Bang or 2NE1 members. 

 His brows furrowed. It was strange that she was nowhere in sight. Could it be that the Park leader sent her away to protect her? Jiyong groaned inwardly as he made a U-turn. 

*I must find out where that Sandara Park is.* 

He parked his bike carefully and crept to the door. 

He heard the Big Bang members cussing and complaining about his clan. He rolled his eyes. 

*Sore losers* 

 He heard them talking, especially TOP's low voice. His ears perked up as he received valuable information. 

"But I'm glad though, that Dara's at Busan. If she wasn't there, she might have been taken for all we know." TOP sighed. 

Jiyong raised his brows as a smirked travelled up his face. 


He strode confidently to his bike and rode off in a blink of an eye, towards the direction of Busan.



Sunbae - means 'senior' or 'elder'. It is use when a person is speaking to an older person than her/him in professional or scholastic context or manner. 

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