Chapter 34

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"What is this!!" Sohee shrieked. "Are you sure they're not dating? Why are they cuddling in the middle of the rink?"

Youngbae bit his lip, looking at Jiyong and Dara who were still in the position after ages. Many other people had started looking at them but they were immersed in their own little bubble.

"Why can't Dara just let go?" Sohee rambled on. "She says they aren't together and the next moment, she goes hugging him! What a slut!"

Youngbae growled softly and pushed her off his arm. Sohee lost her balance and fell on the floor.

"Don't ever call Dara a slut." he hissed dangerously.

Sohee gulped. "I didn't mean it. I was just frustrated alright?" she protested.

She crawled up and shuffled towards Jiyong and Dara. "If you're not going to separate them, I will." she muttered.

Sohee managed to shuffle slowly to where Jiyong and Dara were, and she pretended to fall down, conveniently knocking into Jiyong.

Dara snapped out of her daze and reddened when she realized she and Jiyong were hugging for like what? Ten minutes?

"Owwww!" Sohee pouted cutely. She looked up at Jiyong with her famous puppy eyes, like puss in boots from Shriek.

Guys around cooed and melted at her cute expression. "Jiyongie~" she pouted. "Can you help me up?"

Jiyong turned away, his hand still fastened onto Dara's. "You can ask Youngbae for help. Jiyong only helps Ssantoki."

"Ji!" Dara exclaimed embarrassed. She pushed him towards Sohee. "Help Sohee. She's a nice girl so just be a good boy and help her alright!"

Jiyong nodded. "Arraso. Since Ssantoki said so." he complied grudgingly.

Jiyong yanked Sohee up roughly and Sohee used the chance to rest on his chest. "Jiyongie~ I'm tired. Can you help me to the benches?"

Jiyong looked at Dara who gave him a stern look. He pouted and pulled Sohee along with him to the benches as fast as he could so that he could return to Dara as fast as possible.

Dara felt her heart cringe ever so slightly at the sight of two of them together. She shook her head to clear her thoughts.


She turned to face Youngbae's smiling face. "Oh Youngbae." she smiled back.

Youngbae took her hand and led her round the rink in a circle. "Are you having a good time here?"

Dara thought back at how Jiyong's smile made her melt and she unconsciously nodded. Youngbae twisted his lips. "Too bad I'm not the one who gave you the fun."

Dara looked at him curiously. Youngbae gave her an assuring smile and led her under one of the large lighted trees. Dara gazed up, her mouth agape. "Wow. Pretty." she gasped.

Youngbae chuckled and fixed her bangs affectionately. "You too."

Dara's eyes widened and she smiled shyly. "Gomawo Youngbae. You're such a sweet talker."

Youngbae searched her eyes. "I'm not lying Dara. You are beautiful, more beautiful than any girl I've ever seen."

Dara reddened under the intensity of Youngbae's gaze. "Haha Youngbae what are you talking about!" she fanned herself awkwardly.

"Dara." Youngbae said in a firm voice, tilting her head to face him. "I know I've always been with you with the status of a brother, just like Seunghyun Hyung, Seungri and Daesung. But it has always been my wish for me not to be just your brother."

Dara froze. *Oh my god.*

Sure, the 2NE1 members had always teased her about Youngbae, but she always thought it was because the three girls and the three guys were paired up, so Youngbae was the only one left to pair her up with. She thought it was just a joke.

But the way he was looking at her, it was not a joke. Nothing near a joke.

*Please don't. Please please please.* Dara prayed in her mind. She didn't know why she was so afraid, she didn't want to ruin their relationship. *Please don't say-*

"I love you Dara." Youngbae caressed her cheek softly and looked into her eyes sincerely.

*Oh no.* Dara stared at him in shock.

"I have always loved you and I always will." he promised. Before Dara could make out what was happening, he leaned forward and planted his lips on hers.

Dara's eyes widened in shock and Youngbae let go of her after a soft sincere kiss. "I really love you Dara ah. I hope you can be my girlfriend." he pulled out a beautiful Tiffany heart locket bracelet from his pocket and put it in her palm.

"If you agree to be my girl, then wear this." he said softly. "If not, we can just be friends."

Dara stared at him and back at the bracelet in her palm, stunned.

Before she could say anything else, a strong arm yanked her away. "Ssantoki! Let's go home!" Jiyong shrieked.

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