Chapter 60

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The first day quickly came to an end and the members were back in their rooms, washing up and finally getting some rest.

Minzy and Daesung were put together in one room since the others trusted that they won't do anything beyond the line. CL refused to share a room with Seungri and bunked with Sohee, while her boyfriend bunked with Youngbae. TOP and Jiyong shared a comfortable room that was beside Dara and Bom's.

"Today was so fun." Bom giggled as she put moisturizer on her face, patting it on prettily.

Dara nodded as she came out of the bathroom. She threw herself on the bed and heaved a deep sigh. "Yeah." she agreed. "But I'm wiped out. Too tired."

Bom rolled her eyes and crawled on the bed with her. "You're so lousy Dara." she scoffed. "I could go for another picnic at the beach and another round of cycling!" she exclaimed.

"That's because Seunghyun was the one who was carrying you around on his back!" Dara retorted. Bom just giggled as she closed her eyes tiredly. "You're just jealous my boyfriend's better than yours."

"Oh please." Dara mumbled as she fell asleep beside her Park sister. *Ji makes the best boyfriend there ever is.*


In the other room just beside theirs, TOP and Jiyong were lying on the bed, TOP almost drifting off to sleep. "Bom is so pretty huh..hehe" he mumbled in his sleep. " babe..."

Jiyong puffed his cheeks and stared at the ceiling, trying to fall asleep. Since he didn't have Dara by his side, he used the extra pillow to hug instead. He tried hard to fall asleep, counting sheep up to three hundred, reciting the alphabet backwards five times and rolling about the bed in various positions.

But he just couldn't sleep.

He cast a look at TOP beside him. *How can he sleep when his Bommie isn't with him?* he thought confusedly. *Jiyong can't sleep because Ssantoki isn't with me.*

After another five minutes of tossing and turning, he threw the covers off him frustratedly and crept over to Dara's room. He saw Bom sprawled out on three-fourths of the bed and Dara on the last quarter.

He went over to Bom and nudged her softly. "Bommie~" he whispered. Bom stirred. "What?" she muttered, still half-asleep.

"Jiyong wants to change places with you so Jiyong can sleep with Ssantoki." he whispered. "Come with Jiyong to Hyunnie's room!" Bom nodded in her half-consciousness and miraculously followed his lead into the next room.

She crawled on the bed and rolled onto TOP's chest, where the latter automatically circled his arms round her. Jiyong giggled happily and ran back to Dara who was now alone in her room.

He laid down beside her and guided her head against his chest, resting his chin on the top of her head. He took a deep whiff of her smell and sighed in content.

He felt at ease again. Kissing her temple softly, he closed his eyes. "Goodnight, Ssantoki."


Dara woke up the next morning to find herself snuggled in the familiar chest. She blinked confusedly at the chest and moved her gaze up, only find herself looking at the man she saw the first thing every morning.

"Ji?" Dara gasped. She frowned confusedly. "I thought I was sleeping with Bom?"

She shook Jiyong lightly and he squinted at her. "Ssantokiiii?" he drawled on, rubbing his tired eyes. "Ji," Dara asked. "How did you get here? I thought I was sleeping with Bom?"

Jiyong smiled at her with his eyes half-opened. "Jiyong changed places with Bommie cause Jiyong wanted to sleep with Ssantoki." he grinned.
"Oh Ji." Dara giggled as Jiyong pulled her closer to continue with their sleep. Her eyes fluttered close and she almost fell asleep when something occured to her.

"Bom's really hard to wake." she suddenly piped up. "How did you manage to make her go over to your room?"

"Jiyong just walked her there when she's half asleep." he answered.
Dara raised her brows. "So does she know she changed places?"



Dara giggled as she leaned against Jiyong's chest. *I guess not.*

After the small morning incident, the members were down at the dining room they shared in the resort, having breakfast. Dara looked around, frowning slightly when she didn't see any yogurt.

"Minzy ah, you didn't pack any yogurt with you?" Dara asked.

Minzy gasped. "Mianhae Unnie!" her hands flew to her mouth. "I forgot!"

"It's okay then." Dara smiled good-naturedly. She went to find bread instead. Jiyong frowned lightly and he went over to Dara.

"Ssantoki. Jiyong will buy yogurt for you." he offered.

Dara blinked. "There's no need, Ji. I can just make do with bread."

Jiyong shook his head. "Ssantoki wants yogurt so Jiyong will buy you yogurt." he insisted. "Jiyong knows that there's a shop that sells yogurt down the shopping street. Jiyong will buy it for you."


"Jiyong will buy it for you." he insisted.

"Oh just let him, Dara." CL grinned. "Be happy he's so nice to you unlike someone." she eyes Seungri who was eating himself and not even bothering about helping CL spread her bread. Seungri looked up and blinked at them. "What?"

Dara giggled and nodded. "Neh Ji." she smiled brightly. "I'll wait for your yogurt."

Jiyong smiled and pecked her lips before skipping off. What she didn't know was that after he left, nothing was going to be the same..


(A/N: Our Youngbae is officially married! I'm crying. Welcome to the VIP family Hyorin 😘

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