Chapter 20

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Dara paced round the room to and fro, her lips white with worry. "Where could Youngbae have brought Ji?" she muttered.

Bom patted her shoulder. "I think Youngbae has the right to bring Jiyong away. He isn't somebody you're responsible for anyway." she explained. "And all these time, he caused much trouble for you. As a good friend, it's only right that he feels that Jiyong is a hindrance to your life."

Dara looked at her, hurt. "Then do you think he is an hindrance to my life too
Bom bit her lip, not knowing what to say. CL sighed. "Dara ah, I know you feel attached to Jiyong. We all are. We all like him. He's the innocent carefree side of us we never had." she tried saying. "But its also true that he's causing you a lot of trouble."

Dara opened her mouth to protest and Daesung cut her off. "Don't try to deny Dara. Look at yourself. You look tired and haggard from looking after him. It's time you let him go to some other person who has more experience and capabilities to take care of him well."
Dara broke into tears. *But I don't want him to go. I don't want Jiyong to leave no matter how much trouble he causes me. I just don't.*


After a long wait, Youngbae finally came back. Dara rushed to the car and looked up and down. She cast an accusing glare at Youngbae. "Where's Jiyong?" her voice shook.

Youngbae kept an emotionless expression. "I sent him away Dara. I told you it was the last chance I was going to give him."

Dara's bottom lip trembled. "Can't you give him another chance? He's just equivalent to a five year old. You can't blame him for his childish acts!"

Youngbae sighed. "I know. But I can't expect you to tolerate him that as well. It's for your good Dara. Jiyong's just messing up your life."

Dara watched depressed, as Youngbae walked away without a care. A tear slipped.

*I know Jiyong's a nuisance, but I really really don't want him to leave.*
Dara stood up abruptly and rushed to her own car. She started the engine and drove off in a flash.

Minzy wanted to stop her but TOP held her back. "She just needs to cool down. By night, we'll have the carefree Dara back. Trust me."
Minzy sighed. "I hope so too."

Dara sped down the lanes, she went to every place she could think of.
The amusement park, the shopping mall, the playground. She didn't see Jiyong anywhere.

She hung her head in despair. Where could Youngbae have dropped Jiyong off?

Jiyong would have tried to run back to her, but could he?

Maybe he was just so far away, he could reach her. Maybe he didn't recognize the way, and he got lost. Maybe he was so tired and hungry, he fainted along the way.

Many scenes of what could have happened to Jiyong surfaced in Dara's mind. Her eyes darted around, trying to find that familiar figure she had so gotten used to over the past few weeks.


"Jiyong..." Dara's cries were muffled as the numerous vehicles sped past the expressway.


Youngbae bit his lip as he sat on the bed, thinking. He hated to see Dara sad, upset, depressed.

And now he was the cause of her misery. Was it worth it?

But once Youngbae was reminded of how depressed Dara was for a man she met just weeks ago, his heart cringed.

*If it was you, she would be sad too.* he told himself over and over again.
But somehow, he knew that, if he had been the one that was gone, that had disappeared, Dara wouldn't shed as much tears, she wouldn't lose as much sleep.

Because he knew, as short a time Jiyong had came into their lives, he had already gained a more important position in Dara's heart.

Youngbae punched the wall and hoped that what he had done of driving Jiyong away was the right thing to do.


Dara came back home after the clock stroke two in the night. She didn't bother washing up or changing into more comfortable clothes.

She just went straight to her bed and collapsed on it.

She had spent the whole day trying to find Jiyong, but to no avail. He was nowhere to be found.

Worry pulsed through her veins every single millisecond, worrying about what could have happened to Jiyong.
She was going crazy with the anxiety and longing.

She took a deep breath and caught a faint whiff of Jiyong's smell on her bed. The loneliness of sleeping on the bed alone struck her and she began crying again.



Yeoreobun! Merry Christmas!!! 🎄

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