Chapter 23🎆

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"Are you sure you're okay with this Ji?" Dara asked worriedly as she they stood in front of the childcare centre

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"Are you sure you're okay with this Ji?" Dara asked worriedly as she they stood in front of the childcare centre.

Jiyong nodded his head. "Jiyong will be fine. As long as Ssantoki doesn't leave Jiyong again, Jiyong will listen to everything Ssantoki says." he smiled cutely.

Dara bit her lip. "But-"

"Yah Dara." CL rolled her eyes. "Even the five year old already said he'll be alright. So don't worry like a grandmother already alright? Let's get going. It's been ages since you attended university. I think you missed half the term's lecture."

Dara twisted her lip and nodded, following the rest of the members back on the car. She turned back and saw Jiyong waving and jumping at her. She smiled and waved back.

Bom turned Dara's head to face the front. "Stop your motherly instincts. Look front. Act cool. Go to school." she demanded.

Dara giggled and nodded, preparing to finally live her life again. But maybe this time, her life would be better with Jiyong in it.


"Pleaseeeee Dongsaeeeenggggg~~~" Dara whined.

Seungri raised his brows. It was the first time Dara had used aegyo on him, and trust me, he was glad his taste of girls were hard to get, independent types like CL, or he'll agree to everything Dara asked him to do without any doubt.

"I could have gone home early to slack noona~" Seungri pouted. "WHYYYY??"

Dara sighed. "I would have fetched Jiyong back home myself, but I have club duties since I've missed school for so long. The girls are doing duties with me, Youngbae has gym sessions, TOP is going to an underground rapping competition, and Daesung practicing trot. You're the only one free Seungri!"

Seungri sighed. "Fine fine." he raised his hands in defeat. "I'll fetch him home arraso? Man that aegyo must be award winning or something."

Dara giggled and gave him a small hug. "Thanks Seungri! You're the best!" At least now that she knew Seungri would be taking care of Jiyong, she wouldn't be as worried.


Seungri saw Jiyong waiting by the gate of the childcare centre patiently, and the brilliant smile on Jiyong's face fell when he saw Seungri. Jiyong's eyes darted around and he pouted. "No Ssantoki?" he mumbled.

Seungri had to chuckle at how cute that man seemed. "Sorry kiddo. I'm the only one available today." he shrugged.

Seungri turned to the caretaker. "Is Jiyong well behaved today?"

"Extremely." the caretaker smiled. "He did all we asked him to, and he kept talking about his pet rabbit non stop. I think all the other children know of his pet rabbit already!"

Seungri raised his brows. *Pet rabbit? But he doesn't have a pet- oh. Ssantoki.* Seungri chuckled. "Yeah he LOVES his pet rabbit. They're together almost all the time."

He guided Jiyong to the car. "Come over to Big Bang's house for the afternoon till Dara comes home. No one else is around anyway so you only have me." he grinned.

Jiyong nodded cutely and cocked his head to the side. He blinked several times before pointing at Seungri. "You look like a panda and a rat!"

Seungri mentally face palmed himself. *He just HAD to say that after Chaecat told me so many times.*

Seungri and Jiyong arrived at Big Bang's home soon after and Seungri switched the television on to Power Puff girls for Jiyong, and got him cookies and milk. He gestured to the couch. "Stay here and watch power puff okay? I'll be in my room. Don't disturb me."

Jiyong nodded and munched on the cookie intently, watching the power puff girls. "FIGHTING CRIMES TRYING TO SAVE THE WORLD~~~" he sang loudly.

Seungri smirked and darted into his room and closed the door. The privacy he hoped for came easier than expected.


After an hour or so, Power Puff Girls ended and the next programme was the news. Jiyong pouted as he fiddled with the remote control. He didn't know how to change the channel.

He threw the remote on the couch and went over to Seungri's room, hoping to get some help. He stopped abruptly at the door when he heard a distinct moan.

"Aaaaahhh~~ More~~~"

Jiyong blinked. *More? More what?*
He pushed Seungri's door gently and saw the Big Bang maknae sitting in front of his computer, focusing intently on the screen, not even hearing Jiyong enter.

Jiyong's eyes grew round as saucers when he saw the man and woman in the screen touching each other in a way he had never seen people do before.

"YESS!" the girl screamed. "You do it so well Oppa!"

Jiyong raised his brows. It seemed like a compliment to him.

And Jiyong loved to be complimented. ^___^ *What that man is doing now, is that a good thing?* he tilted his head to the side.

All of a sudden, Seungri shuffled in his seat and Jiyong didn't know why he felt like he almost got caught for doing something wrong. He snuck out of the room and darted to the couch as fast as possible.

Seungri noticed cold air coming into the room and saw the door opened. He frowned. *I thought I closed the door just now?*

He shrugged and closed it, resuming his naughty activities.

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