Chapter 51

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Jiyong woke up first the next morning and saw Dara snuggled in his arms. A smile naturally spread across his lips and he brushed her hair fondly.

*Jiyong's Beautiful Ssantoki.* he thought affectionately.

Dara's complexion seemed to look even better as streams of sunlight leaked into the room. Her hair softer than any you've ever seen, her lashes long and curled. Her I need to get started on her lips?

Jiyong gulped and leaned forward to place a soft chaste kiss on those pink luscious lips of hers.

Once his lips touched hers, he couldn't help but prolong the kiss, pressing his lips against hers urgently. He felt a similar stirring in his lower body and he pulled away.

His face was flushed red and he bit his lip. *Jiyong feels really weird. This is the feeling only Ssantoki can give Jiyong.*

Dara stirred in his arms and peered at him with lidded eyes. "Ji?"

Jiyong grinned and pecked her lips. "Good morning Ssantoki." he murmured. He watched as Dara blushed pink and peck his lips as a return gift.

His heart skipped a beat. Dara crawled out of bed to wash up, leaving a fanboy Jiyong in bed.

"Jiyong must follow Seunggie's words." he muttered. "Jiyong will make Ssantoki happy." he said with determination.


"Eh?" Dara blinked at Jiyong. "What do you mean you're not coming home?"

"Ani!" Jiyong waved his hands about. "Jiyong is going to Jiyong's classmate's house today after school. His name is Jaehyuk. His house is near here so Jiyong can walk home himself after that."

"Oh." Dara puffed her cheeks. She had initially intended to skip club activities to go on a date with Jiyong. A first date, at the movies.

"Well okay then." Dara agreed reluctantly. She really didn't want to be a clingy girlfriend, but she wanted to be with Jiyong every minute of her life. She just couldn't get enough of him.

"Are you sure you know how to get home from that Jaehyuk's house?" Dara asked to make sure, keeping her worries down. "If you're not sure, you do know my number or any of the other member's numbers right? Oh no I don't think this will do."

She ran upstairs and found a spare phone she once had. She fixed a spare SIM card in and passed it to Jiyong. "If anything happens, press #1 and then this red call button and you'll call me okay? Or you can call any of the other member's as well. Don't stay too late and don't get kidnapped again okay?" Dara pressed on.

Jiyong nodded and unexpectedly pecked her lip, effectively shutting her off. "Arraso. Jiyong will come back. Jiyong will make Ssantoki happy."

Dara blushed and tip toed to kiss him back. "Neh I believe you. So have fun at school alright? I'll see you later."

Jiyong nodded. The moment he turned his face away, his face wrinkled up.

He didn't like lying, especially to his Ssantoki.

But he would do anything to make her happy. She was his life.

*Jiyong will make Ssantoki happy.* he smiled. *Because Jiyong loves her.*


"PLEASSSEEEEE~~~" Jiyong pleaded with his puppy eyes.

The caretaker of the kindergarten gave him a look. "But Jiyong ah, how can you do that? Dara will be worried!"

Jiyong shook his head. "Not if Noona won't tell!" he pleaded. "Please? It's just for a few days."

The caretaker Noona bit her lip. "Are you sure you can manage? You'll be safe?" she asked. "It's going to be for a few days only right?"

Jiyong nodded enthusiastically. "Only a few days! For this week! Jiyong promises that Jiyong will be back by Friday!"

The caretaker twisted her lips. "Alright then. I'll let you miss school for these few days and not tell Miss Park." she pinched his cheek. "Only because you're so cute and you love her so much."

Jiyong brightened and hugged the caretaker Noona. "Gomawo Noona! You're the best!" he squealed.

The caretaker raised her brows. "Oh really."

"Yes!" Jiyong nodded. "After Ssantoki, after Seunggie, after Hyunnie, after Daedae, after.."

The caretaker rolled her eyes and laughed. *It's really surprising that a guy like him who's supposed to be only five can really love a girl that much.*

She sighed softly. "When will it be my turn?" she mumbled.

"Yea what did you say Noona?" Jiyong blinked.

The caretaker shook her head. "Ani. Go now. Take care okay?" she patted his head. "Don't make your Ssantoki worry."

Jiyong beamed. "Never!"

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