Chapter 49

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"Oh god Dara will you please just wait another five minutes?" CL rolled her eyes. "My boyfriend isn't going to eat up yours alright? Seungri will take good care of Jiyong so don't you worry."

Dara's face was plastered against the window and she watched the buildings outside roll pass too slowly for her liking.

After tolerating the elongated club activities and putting up her best "I-am-really-interested-believe-me" face, she could finally go home to her dear Jiyong.

"I don't understand why you're so excited to be with Jiyong again." Bom snickered. "I mean, he's like a kid. Even when you two are a couple now, the things you do together,"

"Sleeping, eating and watching Power Puff Girls." Minzy cited.

"Yeah." Bom nodded. "It's like having a kid instead of a boyfriend. Didn't know you're so fond of motherhood, Dara." she teased.

Dara rolled her eyes. "It's different. Maybe we don't do anything other couples like you do, but I still feel very happy when I'm with Ji. No one can bring me that sort of happiness he brings me."

"Although it would be nice to do some couple stuff with him." she mumbled.

CL laughed and parked the car. "We're here. Get back to your baby boy."

Dara brightened and dashed off the car in top speed. Her cheeks were rosy red and her eyes were twinkling. Her sisters watched her from the car with a smile.

"You know, I was really doubtful for this relationship." Bom twisted her lips thoughtfully. "But seeing her like this..."

"It beats having any other guy as her boyfriend." Minzy smiled. "Jiyong Oppa is meant for her."


"Ji!" Dara burst through the door. "I'm here!"

Jiyong perked up and ran to the door. Before Dara could know what hit her, Jiyong already had her on the floor and he was hugging her like a Teddy bear.

"Ssantoki!!" Jiyong squealed. "Jiyong missed you!"

Dara giggled. "I missed you too, Ji."

Seungri appeared in the doorway with a scornful look. "Oh please you two, just go already. You're making me puke."

Dara reddened and missed the wink Seungri sent Jiyong. Jiyong nodded and lifted Dara bridal style. Dara let out a small gasp and she looked at Jiyong questioningly. "Ji?"

Jiyong gave her a cute smile and he carried her back to their house. "Jiyong really loves Ssantoki. Ssantoki is so pretty."

Dara blushed hard, and didn't even realize that Jiyong had already placed carried her up the stairs and placed her down on her bed.

"I love you too, Ji." Dara bit her lip, her face red. "I really do."

"Ssantoki..." Jiyong mumbled huskily as he crawled towards her. Dara's voice was caught in her throat as she watched him come nearer. He didn't look five at all.

He looked sexy. Hot. AROUSED.

"Ji?" Dara's voice came out as a mere whisper.

Jiyong pressed Dara down on the bed and gazed into her eyes. "Ssantoki..." he mumbled. "Ji?" Dara whispered.

Before she knew it, Jiyong's lips were on hers. Dara felt her heart bursting, exploding.

His lips were delectable, indescribable. The way he kissed her, it was soft and gentle, but at the same time passionate.

Dara surrendered herself to her love and kissed him back, tangling her hands in his hair. Jiyong's hands ran up and down her back just as he learnt in the video.

He silently thanked Seungri for telling him about it. He had really liked doing this with Dara the first time, but they told him he couldn't do it anymore. If not for Seungri, he wouldn't have known that he could kiss Dara now that he was her boyfriend.

Jiyong nipped softly at her soft lips, his hands brushing the fallen strands of hair from her face and cupping her cheek.

As oxygen became an immediate need, they broke apart but only for a second. Jiyong glanced at Dara's swollen pink lips and immediately dove for them again.

Dara was surprised at his aggressiveness as he pinned her down. His hands travelled beneath her shirt and sent tingles down her spine as the bare skin interacted.

She was officially losing her sanity.

She loved him. She loved him so much.

"Ji?" Dara croaked out. "Do you know what you're doing?"

Jiyong nodded as he shifted on top of her. "Jiyong loves Ssantoki." he growled.

Dara almost gave in, until she felt something hard poke her thighs. Her eyes widened and she realized what they were about to do.

How did Jiyong know about this?

She groaned. "LEE SEUNGRI!!!!"

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