Chapter 57 💕

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"Daesung Oppa

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"Daesung Oppa.. Do you want to have a bimbap?" Minzy asked cutely.

Minzy and Daesung were having their own private picnic under a tree, and away from the crowd and the people.

Daesung smiled affectionately. "Sure." he smiled and opened his mouth. However, Minzy placed the container of bimbap she packed on his lap, causing him to look at her weirdly.

"Aren't you going to feed me?" he asked teasingly.

Minzy blushed pink and she cleared her throat to cover her embarrassment. "Neh." she managed to squeak out.

She held on bimbap to his mouth and Daesung ate it happily. He made "good" signs with both his thumbs and smiled with rice in his mouth. "Mashita~" he praised. "This is the best. Your husband in the future would be very lucky, Minzy ah."

Minzy blushed red and looked around, avoiding his gaze. "Then I guess that lucky man would be me?" he asked teasingly.

Minzy gasped lightly and looked at him with wide eyes. "Are you proposing to me?" she blurted out.

Daesung chuckled and pulled Minzy to lie on his shoulder. "Maybe?" he grinned cheekily. "But I know I'll kill any guy who dares to come after you."

Minzy hid her face in his chest, blushing in delight.


"Aww come on Chaecat~" Seungri pouted

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"Aww come on Chaecat~" Seungri pouted. CL and Seungri were walking casually down the shopping street that was located near the resort they were staying at.

There were couples all around them and love was definitely in the air. Seungri was trying to persuade CL to hold his hand while they walked, but being the superwoman she was, she didn't want to.

"I'm an independent woman and I don't hold men's hands." CL stuck her nose up in the air.

Seungri growled softly as a passing man checked CL out. He pushed her against the wall and his face hovered centimeters away from hers. "Chaerin I need you to understand something." he muttered.

CL gulped, not knowing what to expect. He called her Chaerin, something that he had never done. This must be serious.

"I need you to remember that," Seungri breathed, searching her eyes. "Even though I seem to be horny and everything, I will not, I repeat, NOT force you into anything you don't want to do. If we were to do it, it would be when both of us are willing. I will wait patiently until that day."

CL softened. How did he know what she was worried about that?

"And another thing." Seungri continued. "I want you to remember..."

He leaned forward, his lips dangerously close to hers. "I will always love you." he whispered, before pressing his lips against hers.

CL saw a million colours burst in her mind and she closed her eyes, kissing him back.

*And I will love you for always too.* she thought happily.


While the rest were around the place, looking around the resort and it's premises, the TopBom couple was in their resort's backyard, by the barbecue pit

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While the rest were around the place, looking around the resort and it's premises, the TopBom couple was in their resort's backyard, by the barbecue pit.

Roasting corn.

Bom bit her lip to prevent her from looking too enthusiastic. Her eyes darted to the man who was fanning at the fire, occasionally using his sleeve to wipe his sweat away.

Bom went over to him meekly, using a tissue to clean his face. Her heart was racing, even his sweaty form seemed to be sexy to her.

"Seunghyun ah.." she started in a small voice. "Don't you want to look around the place like the rest are doing?"

TOP raised his brows at her. He chuckled. "Babe, everything comes there after. I know you're hungry since I caught you staring at the corn while we drove past a store just now."

Bom blushed. "We can buy something along the way. I dont want to deprive you of looking around here and taking a break."

TOP ruffled her hair affectionately. "Come on. As long as I'm with you, I'll be happy."

"And I have to make sure the baby inside you eats well too." he muttered.

Unfortunately, Bom heard, and she raised her brows at him. "Excuse me? What baby?"

TOP smiled at her. "Aww come on babe! Just spill!" he grinned. "I know it all already!"

"Know what?" Bom asked, seriously puzzled.

TOP giggled like a little girl and whispered in her ear. "You're pregnant!"

Bom's eyes grew wide as saucers and she blinked at him several times. "WHAT??" she shrieked. TOP smiled assuringly. "Don't worry babe, I know and I'm going to take responsible. We are going to get married and our family will be-"

"EXCUSE ME MISTER BUT IM NOT PREGNANT." Bom fumed. TOP blinked at her. "You're not?" he gasped. "But but but...I heard you telling Dara that you missed your period!" he protested.

"Oh that." Bom rolled her eyes. "Because the university work was too hard for me, I got stressed and missed my period. I wasn't pregnant!"

"Oh." TOP frowned. He looked at the roasted corn he was so enthusiastically making for his non-existent unborn child.

"Oh wait." Bom tapped her feet. "So you were being so nice to me because you thought I was pregnant? I knew it! You wouldn't be that good to me without a reason!" she huffed.

TOP turned pale. "No!!" he denied and back hugged Bom. "I love you no matter if you are pregnant or not! Even if you're pregnant with someone else's child, I'll still love you!"

Bom's eyes widened in pleasant surprise but she kept a firm and nonchalant face. "Now you're accusing me of cheating??!"

TOP nearly fainted. "OH NO!" he denied. "Don't misunderstand babe!! I love you and only you I didn't mean for it to come out that way! What I meant was-"

"I love you too." Bom beamed at him. TOP blinked at her. Once. Twice.

"You're not mad?" he whimpered.

Bom puffed her cheeks. "I'll be mad if oh don't serve me those roasted corn soon." she grinned.

TOP chuckled and pecked her lips. "I love you." he whispered.

He ran to the barbecue pit and began fanning the corn with all his strength. "Corn's coming babe!!!" he yelled.

Bom giggled.

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