Chapter 64

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Dara paled in her sleep.

She dreamt that Jiyong had taken her to Madam Kwon, he had pointed a gun at her and fired.

He had turned back into the cold gangster G-Dragon from before and not a trace of Jiyong was left in him.

The way he looked at her, void of all emotions except hate. He laughed only when she was suffering the pain he inflicted upon her. He only touched her when he wanted to slap or kick her.

"I don't love you anymore, Sandara Park." he said. "Jiyong doesn't exist."

Dara cried in her sleep and her whole body shivered. "No.. No!" she sat up, screaming.

Which was when she realized it was just a nightmare. She looked around at the empty bed and her heart immediately sank.

She had woken from a nightmare to another.

Her heart beat erratically as she dashed around the house in a flurry, flinging all the doors open only in search of that one and only man that caught her heart.

But he was nowhere to be seen.

Dara broke down in the middle of the living room, sobbing loudly and not caring if she looked like a total maniac right then.

Jiyong had left her. She was nothing without him. How was she supposed to live?

The Big Bang and 2NE1 member's soon burst into the house upon hearing her cries, confused and shocked.

"Dara!" CL yelled as she ran to her side. "What happened? Is something wrong?" she looked around. "Where's Jiyong? Did something happen to him?"

Dara cried even louder when Jiyong's name was mentioned.

"Ji..." she drawled. "Ji.. How can he leave me? I can't leave without him! How can he just leave me like this? Even after I begged him not to.."

Everyone exchanged confused glances. Bom frowned and crouched next to Dara. "Dara look at me and tell me what happened." she cooed. "What happened to Jiyong? Where is he?"

Dara sobbed loudly. "I don't know where he is." she sniffled. "He left me. He left me because we weren't supposed to be together. Enemies from birth, how can we be together?"

Seungri nudged Daesung who gave him a puzzled look.

"But I don't care who he is." Dara continued mumbling to herself. "I don't care, because I love him enough. But he cares. He hates me now."

"Dara please." Youngbae patted her back. "We don't understand what you're talking about at all. Why would Jiyong hate you? He loves you more than anything. Everyone knows that."

Dara looked at him with such sorrow in her eyes that Youngbae flinched.

"He remembered who he was." Dara whispered softly. "He remembers. That I'm Sandara Park. And he is Kwon Jiyong: G-Dragon."


Once Jiyong left Dara's house, the first thing he noticed were the Infinite member's that were hiding in the shadows around, keeping tabs on Dara's every movement.

He had once adored those dongsaeng's. They were willing to learn and had great aspirations, loyal member's to the Kwon clan.

But now, seeing them plotting against Dara, he irked him greatly.

He wanted to twist off every single of their heads, to break their every limb, so that they couldn't do anything to Dara.

*At least Big Bang and 2NE1 are there with her.* he thought. *That's why they don't dare to attack.*

Jiyong hid behind the wall as he listened to Infinite talking.

"They can't send Teddy Hyung over to help us capture Sandara Park." Sunggyu sighed. "It doesn't help if we just keep tabs on her and not attack."

"But we can't possibly win against Big Bang and 2NE1!" Woohyun protested. "We just have to make sure we know where she is, and when we are ready to attack, we know where to look for her."

Myungsoo sighed. "If only G-Dragon isn't missing." he commented. "He could have taken down Big Bang and 2NE1 if we act together."

Jiyong froze on the other side of the wall. He could easily walk into their discussion and show them the dragon tattoo at his hip, proving that he's G-Dragon. He could go back to the Kwon clan and plan for the attacks on the Park Clan.

Instead, Jiyong walked away as quietly as he could.

Away from his identity as Jiyong. Away from his identity as G-Dragon.

*I'm not going back.* he closed his eyes as he made his decision. *I can never continue what I've done all these time. I can't plot against the Parks, I can't fight against those friends.*

"I can't hurt my Ssantoki."

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