Chapter 9

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"Unnie! I thought you wanted to make bibimbap?" Minzy puffed her cheeks.

Dara reddened and waved her hands about. "Ah Mianhae! I found Jiyong and I totally forgot about it!" she bowed profusely.

TOP chuckled. "No need to feel bad Dara." he smiled. "I'll cook ramen for you guys instead."

"I want the kimchi flavored one!" Seungri called out.

"Chicken one please." Daesung grinned.

TOP rolled his eyes but he went to the kitchen anyway. He winked at Bom. "Extra corn?"

Bom giggled. "Yea." she blushed. CL nudged her, making Bom blush even redder.

"What flavor ramen do you want, Jiyong?" Dara asked the man who was playing with the strings of the carpet.
Jiyong looked at her curiously.

"RAAA MAAAAN? What's that?" he scratched his head.

Dara giggled. "I guess I'll just get you kimchi flavored one." she went off to the kitchen.

Youngbae bit his lip, griffing his teeth, trying to ignore the fact that Dara just forgot to ask him. Dara had always cared for him, since the other guys already had girls to care for them.
He eyed Jiyong critically, and the latter rolled his eyes at Youngbae. Youngbae froze. *Did he really just do that? He's supposed to be a five year old!*

Just then, Dara ran out of the kitchen to Youngbae. "Youngbae! I forgot to ask you what flavored ramen you wanted!" she grinned.

Youngbae smiled widely. "Tom Yam would be good."

Dara nodded. "Be right back." she smiled and ran back to the kitchen.
Youngbae glanced at Jiyong and found the latter looking back, his hands gritting on the carpet.

Youngbae smirked and went to Jiyong. "Don't hold it like that. It'll spoil and Dara will be mad."

He walked away, smiling in triumph. He knew he was being even more childish than the supposed man with a mental capacity of a five year old. But he felt good nevertheless. Matters concerning Dara could make the gentlemanly and cool Youngbae turn into a childish naive man.

Jiyong puffed his cheeks and frowned. He didn't like Youngbae.

*Bad man.* he pouted. *Steal Jiyong's Ssantoki from Jiyong! Bad bad bad.* he repeated in his mind.

He stood up suddenly and ran to the kitchen. There, TOP was boiling the water while Dara was preparing the materials.

Jiyong ran to Dara and held onto her arm. "Jiyong wants ice cream!" he smiled widely.

Dara raised her brows, surprised at his sudden request. "But you haven't eaten yet. You can eat ice cream with an empty stomach, Jiyong." she nagged.

Jiyong pouted, and hell trust me, that was one aegyo face you can't resist against. "PLEASSSEEE~~~ Ssantoki~~ Jiyong wants ice cream. Jiyong likes ice cream!" he pleaded.

Dara puffed her cheeks slightly. "I like ice cream too, but I'm not going to eat it with an empty stomach. Wait till you've finished your ramen and I'll buy you ice cream alright?" she bargained.

"NO!" Jiyong whined. "Jiyong wants it now!" he complained.

Dara mentally slapped her face. TOP chuckled. "Way to go being a strict mother, Dara."

She made and face and sighed. "Fine. But I'll get you some bread first and you'll have to eat it before ice cream alright?" she wagged a finger.

Jiyong brightened and pulled Dara. "Let's go now! Jiyong wants ice cream!"

Dara shook her head in amusement and just let herself be led. Youngbae immediately straightened up when he saw Dara coming out of the kitchen. His gaze fell on Jiyong and be frowned. "Where are you going, Dara?"

Dara smiled and gave a small shrug. "Jiyong wants to eat ice cream. I'll be back soon." she promised.

Youngbae frowned. "Let me get my wallet. I'll go with you."

Jiyong puffed his cheeks and pulled Dara out. "Ssantoki! Let's go now!" Dara sent an apologetic gaze at Youngbae and followed Jiyong out.
Youngbae growled softly and hit the wall with his fist softly. *Irritating man.*

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