Special Chapter II : The (Evil) Girls

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"Hey Bommie, are you free?" Dara sighed. "Ji left for the clan again, and I'm alone at home."

Bom tutted her lips. "Again? Oh well, Seunghyun went too. I swear, I don't even know if those guys have us in their hearts anymore."

Dara sighed. Her Park sister totally voiced out her thoughts. "Tell you what, I'll call Chaerin, Minzy and Sohee along. Meet at the cafe in ten."

Dara put down her phone and went to dress herself up. Her wardrobe of flattering clothes hadn't even been used on dates with Jiyong. She only went out to the market for groceries.

She left for the cafe in a few and met with the girls. They widened their eyes at Dara's attire.

"Wow Dara, going to impress?" CL chuckled, eying Dara's to kill outfit.

Dara pouted. "I bought these two months ago but I didn't even get to wear them! My clothes are all rotting at home because Ji doesn't take me out."

CL made a face. "At least your man doesn't bother you. Seungri's so free all the time from slacking off clan duties. He's just a lazy bum and he's irritating the hell out of me." she grumbled.

Dara sighed enviously. *If only Ji would irritate me like he did when he was five.*

"I think Jiyong's just too overwhelmed by his clan leader duties." Minzy tried saying. "He loves you Dara, you should know that."

"I know.." the lights in Dara's eyes dimmed. "But it's just..."

"She doesn't feel it as much anymore." Bom tapped her feet impatiently. "Seriously, I want to kill that Sioux jerk for neglecting his perfect wife. A date once a week won't hurt him. We must do something to get it in his head."

Sohee raised her brows in interest. "Do what?"

Bom grinned evilly, rubbing her palms together. CL shook her head amused. "I have an idea that Jiyong's seriously going to suffer through your ideas Bom."

Bom stuck her nose in the air. "Why of course. That's the whole point of making him suffer!" she retorted.

She beamed at the four attentive ladies and gestured for them to lean closer while she whispered in their ears.

"Here's the plan..."


"So what's the observation for SM clan recently?" Jiyong asked seriously. "Are they planning on attacking? How have your territorial borders come along?"

"SM clan is getting stronger and is recruiting new gang." Infinite's leader Sunggyu reported. "It's not confirmed how many member's there are for now, but we do know that their latest gang is called EXOPLANET."


"They have tried a few attacks on us, but none of them were successful." Dongho added proudly. "We were able to fend them off no problem."

"Not get too proud." Jiyong told the young one off. "We have to be on our guard at all times, or they'll just seize our territory."

T.O.P rolled his eyes and patted Jiyong's shoulder. "Give the junior gangs some credit man. It isn't that easy to beat the SM gangs. DBSK and Super Junior are strong. Even their young SHINee are really not to be taken lightly."

Jiyong sighed and massaged his temples. "I know." he forced a smile at the member's attending the meeting. "Well, keep up the good work. We have to be on high alert, but I have to commend you guys on your good work."

The other member's smiled with the praise from the clan leader. They practically bounced out of the room happily, which was...really unbecoming of a gangster.

Youngbae turned to look at Jiyong who looked tired and haggard. "Hey Jiyong, what's up?" he frowned. "You look...bad."

Jiyong sighed and grumbled under his breath. "Being the leader of this freaking huge clan is killing me." he told them. "It's really hard keeping up with these duties all the time. And the worst thing is that I don't have time for my Ssantoki."

"She understands, I'm sure." Daesung piped up.

Jiyong nodded. "Yeah. But I miss her too. Why the hell did I marry her of I didn't want to spend every single second with her? The damn problem are these duties!"

TOP shrugged. "Man. I think I'd die if I don't spend at least one hour with my Bommie a day." he stated.

Jiyong flashed him an irritated expression before his phone rang. His eyes widened in shock and his face quickly paled. The Big Bang members watched him curiously, anxious.

"What happened?" Seungri asked, scared.

Jiyong gripped his phone tight in his hands. "Dara..." he choked as he looked at them. "Dara got into an accident. Some how she managed to fall and hit her head on the sharp edges of the rails. She's in the hospital now."

"Damn." TOP quickly gathered his things. "Let's go now." Jiyong nodded worriedly and rushed out to get his car. His heart was pounding hard in his heart. Nothing should ever come onto his dear Ssantoki.

He won't ever forgive himself if something happens to her. He had felt so guilty for neglecting her after marriage. They haven't even spent time together and now...

Hearing Bom's tone, Jiyong was sure it was serious. She told him the doctor was still performing some sort of surgery on his wife, and she would be unconscious for a while before the doctor could determine what was wrong with her.

They rushed to the hospital in no time, driving past red lights, and scaring the hell out of passers by who were walking innocently past the road.

Jiyong's face was devoid of all colors, and a mixture of fear, anxiety, and guilt were present in his face. He saw the 2NE1 girls and Sohee sitting outside a hospital ward and he rushed to them.

"Where's Dara? How is she?" he demanded, almost shrieking.

"Calm down Jiyong." CL commanded. She sighed and pointed to the room ward nearest to them. "She's still unconscious but she may wake up any moment from now."

Jiyong burst through the doors and found his dear wife sleeping on the hospital bed with a large bandage on her forehead. He flinched as he sat down beside her on the bed. He took her hands and kissed her fingers. "Oh God babe."

He caressed her cheek softly as the other member's began trailing in. "Didn't you say she was going to wake up? Why isn't she waking up?" Jiyong demanded.

"Chill." Bom told him. "I think I saw her stir."

Jiyong's head immediately whipped back to his wife. Her eyes fluttered opened slowly and she squinted, getting used to the light. She frowned at the many people in the room and rubbed her eyes. "Water..." she muttered.

Jiyong hurried to pour her a cup and helped her up to sit. He fed her the water and she drank it hungrily. When her thirst was finally attended to, she looked up at him.

A strange expression spread on her beautiful features as she stared at him like he was some sort of foreign object.

"Babe?" Jiyong asked worriedly. "Ssantoki? Are you alright? Do you feel unwell anywhere? Especially your head?"

Dara blinked at him for a few times and frowned. She turned to look at Minzy who was standing nearest to her besides Jiyong. "Minzy? Who's this strange Ahjusshi?" she cocked her head to the side innocently.

Jiyong felt his face drain of all blood for a second time. "What?" he turned her to look at him. "Babe please look at me. Don't you know who I am?"

Dara's bottom lip trembled and she pushed him away. "Go away strange Ahjusshi!"

Jiyong felt his heart sink when he heard her next words.

"I don't know who you are Ahjusshi!"

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