Chapter 32

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Dara's head perked up at that familiar voice. "Ji?"

She saw a familiar figure running towards her and within a matter of seconds, she fell on the carpeted floor of the restaurant with Jiyong hugging her.

"SSANTOKIIIIIIII!!" Jiyong shrieked and cuddled her on the floor, ignoring everyone else who was looking.

Dara giggled, blushing. She pushed him off embarrassed, but pleased. "Ji, what are you doing here?"

Sohee then appeared huffing and puffing. "Jiyongie! There are no rabbits here I told yo-" she faltered.

"Dara unnie and Youngbae Oppa?" her eyes widened. "You guys are here on a date too?"

Dara blinked. *Too?* she scowled slightly at how Sohee was clinging off Jiyong.

"Neh." Youngbae nodded. "We are here for dinner. Care to join us?"

"Ssantoki! Jiyong wants that too! Feed Jiyong!" Jiyong pointed and opened his mouth, plopping himself beside Dara.

Sohee bit her lip and sat down on the other side of Dara, enviously looking at how all Jiyong's attention was concentrated on the girl beside her.

"Pssshhh I used so many methods to make him come out and he only paid attention to her." Sohee mumbled under her breath.


After Dara and Youngbae left, Sohee turned to Jiyong with anticipating eyes. She never believed in love in first sight or whatever romantic shit, but once she met Jiyong, she believed in Harry Potter and Edward Cullen.

She knew, she wanted Jiyong, no matter how he acts like a five year old. It just added to the appeal.

"Jiyongie!" Sohee squealed in her cutest voice that would make all males melt at her charms. "Do you want to go somewhere with me too?"

Jiyong pouted and turned away. "No. Jiyong only wants to be with Ssantoki. Jiyong doesn't want to go anywhere with you."

Sohee frowned. "Please Jiyongie? I'll treat you to ice cream?" she bargained.

Jiyong hesitated a few seconds. "No." he folded his arms.

Sohee pouted and blew a raspberry. "Jiyongieee~~~" she whined.

Jiyong just looked at her. Oh yeah go Jiyong~ your aegyo's much better than some Ahn Sohee.

Sohee sighed. "Oh alright. I'll bring you to where Dara unnie is alright?" she fibbed.

Jiyong sprang up at once. "Neh! Let's go now!" he darted out of the door.

Sohee rolled her eyes. *Like I know where Youngbae Oppa brought Dara unnie.*

"But Jiyongie doesn't have to know~" she sang as she followed behind Jiyong.

In the end, the first place that came into her mind was the water park. And was it luck or was it fate, it was really the place where Youngbae brought Dara.


Sohee eyed Jiyong and Dara interacting affectionately and she pouted. "Dara unnie!" she called for her attention.

Dara looked at the younger dongsaeng. "Neh?"

"Are you and Youngbae Oppa dating?" Sohee asked innocently. Anyone could see how Youngbae's head over heels in love with Dara, she just needed to ask the right questions.

"Eh?" Dara's eyes widened. "Nonono!" she shook her head. "We're not." she denied.

Youngbae flinched at how easily she denied their relationship, although it was true. Sohee frowned as she saw her question didn't do anything to Jiyong.

"Then are you and Jiyongie dating? Why are you two staying together?" she asked again.

*Say no say no.* Sohee chanted in her head.

Dara blinked as Jiyong looked at her curiously. "Ehh... No we are not." she denied again.

Youngbae smiled satisfactorily and Sohee did an imaginary fist pump. She eyed Jiyong. *That should make him give up on her.*


"Ssantoki..." Jiyong shook Dara. "What does dating mean?"

Sohee mentally smacked herself. Dara reddened. "'s nothing important Ji. You can ignore that."

Jiyong nodded and continued eating.


They finished eating and soon Sohee was trying to separate Jiyong from Dara so that they could spend time together alone.

"Jiyongie! Do you want to go to the park to take a walk?" Sohee asked excitedly.

Jiyong looked at Dara. "Ssantoki, do you want to go?"

Dara saw Sohee shooting her looks and she shook her head reluctantly. "It's okay. You go with Sohee, Ji."

Jiyong frowned and crossed his arms. "Then it's okay. Jiyong doesn't want to go."

Sohee bit her lip in irritation. She looked at Youngbae for help.

Youngbae took Dara's hand. "Dara ah, let's go to the ice skating rink nearby and leave Jiyong and Sohee alright?"

Dara looked at Jiyong and nodded hesitantly. Jiyong immediately wailed in protest. "ANIYO! Jiyong wants to go too!" he stomped his feet.

"Jiyongie I'll bring you somewhere fun too!" Sohee promised.

Jiyong shook his head. "Jiyong wants to go where Ssantoki goes!"

Dara glanced at Youngbae with a pleading look. "Why don't we go together? Four of us?" she suggested hopefully.

Youngbae wanted to have time for them only, but with Dara looking at him like that, he couldn't say no. "Arraso. Double date it is then." he nodded.

Jiyong squealed and hugged Dara, dragging her off and leaving Sohee and Youngbae together. Sohee groaned frustratedly. "Why doesn't he pay any attention to me?!"

Youngbae lowered his gaze. *And why doesn't she pay any attention to me too?*

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