Chapter 17

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*double update*


Daesung and Minzy sat side by side, watching the replay of Rain's Full House. The other members were gang members of goodness sake, they would die than rather be caught watching such romance comedy.

It came to the episode where Rain had risked his celebrity status and went to the amusement park to find Song Hye Kyo because he thought he went there for her birthday. He looked hilarious, behind an animal mask, snooping around and looking for his girl.

Daesung was laughing loudly at how stupid Rain looked, while Minzy was staring mesmerized at the screen.
"HAHAHA Rain looked so stupid don't you think Min..." Daesung faltered, seeing Minzy's eyes glued to the screen. "Minzy ah?" he waved his hand in front of her eyes.

Minzy smiled dreamily. "Rain Oppa is so cool!! He's willing to become such a fool because of the girl he loves. SO COOL~~" she spazzed.

Daesung pouted and stared at Rain being silly. "Don't girls like cool guys? How does Rain look cool now?" he frowned, confused.

Minzy sighed. "Girls like cool guys. And guys are cool because they become silly in love."

Daesung raised his brows. He remembered how he always tripped when Minzy was around, when he always forgot what he was saying even when he was in the most in important meetings when he snuck a look at her, how he always became a fanboy despite his gangster status because of her.

*Am I silly in love too?* he bit his lip.
"Minzy ah.." Daesung muttered. "Do you think..I'm cool?"

Minzy turned to look at him questioningly. Daesung inched nearer to her on the couch. "I mean." he began shuffling nearer. "I think I'm rather cool...cause I think I'm pretty silly in lo- AAHHH~" he fell down the couch and landed on his butt.

Daesung hung his head in shame. *Aish! Why can't I even do it well when I want to confess!!!*

All of a sudden, a pair of arms were thrown round his neck as Minzy embraced him. "You're cool Daesung Oppa!" she assured.

Daesung's eyes grew round in surprise. Minzy smiled shyly. "Cause you're really silly to me." Daesung broke into a large smile and cuddled her back.

No other words needed to be said as they embraced each other, feeling their affection being mirrored.


TOP snuck a peek at Bom who was chomping on her corn one after another. He bit his lip, trying to cool himself down. *Fighting Seunghyun! You can do it!*

"Here Bom, eat this corn. I roasted this especially for you." he passed her a stick of corn.

Bom's face brightened and she took it gladly. "Thanks Seunghyun!" she began chomping on it at top speed again.

She reached the end of the stick and realized there was a small card attached at the head of the corn. Her eyes widened as she read the note.

I love you Bom,
From TOP.

Bom's face reddened and she blinked several times. TOP watched her expression, waiting to see her answer.
One minute. Two minute. Five minute. Ten Min-

"Bom." TOP pouted. "I understand if you want to reject me, but if you want to, just do it quickly." he squeezed his eyes shut.

Bom giggled. "I don't really like TOP honestly." she confessed with not a tinge of doubt. TOP's face fell and his shoulders slumped.

"Because I love Seunghyun instead." she smiled. TOP looked at her curiously. "TOP is the cool gangster everyone knows, but Seunghyun is the sweet guy that treats me well and cares for me. So I choose Seunghyun over TOP." she winked cheekily.
TOP chuckled and ruffled her hair. "You stupid Bominator! Scared me to death!" he chided as he hugged her playfully.

"I love you." he whispered. Bom giggled and hugged him back. "I love you too."


Seungri watched the two couples cuddling each other and rolled his eyes. He nudged CL. "Chaecat~~ When are we going to be like that?"

CL scoffed. "Why would I be like that with you? Dream on Seungrat."
Seungri pouted. "PSSSH play hard to get all the time Chaecat." he turned to Youngbae and Dara, wriggling his brows. "And when are you two going to be like them too?"

Dara raised her brows, while Youngbae reddened. "Eh?" Dara blinked.

Jiyong frowned as he imagined Youngbae and Dara cuddling together. *Jiyong no like.*

"Ssantoki! Let's eat ice cream!" he exclaimed and pulled her out of the door before the Darayang topic could last for another second.

Youngbae frowned as he watched Dara go. *Stupid Jiyong. Of all times, now really! Ice cream?*

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