Chapter 61

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Jiyong ran into the convenience store nearby, smiling happily. "Ahjumma!" he called. "Jiyong wants yogurt for his Ssantoki!"

The ahjumma looked at him, confused. "You don't feed rabbits yogurt, young man!" she reprimanded. "They'll die!"

Jiyong shook his head. "Aniyo!" he retorted. "Ssantoki is a girl! Ssantoki is Jiyong's girlfriend!" a dreamy smile appeared on his face as he said the last word.

"Ah~" Ahjuma nodded as she took out a tub of yogurt for him. "Young people and their pet names. Young love~"

Jiyong paid the Ahjuma and smiled brightly. "Neh! Jiyong loves Ssantoki a lot!" he exclaimed. Ahjuma chuckled and waved. *What an interesting young man.*

Jiyong cuddled the tub of yogurt in his arms and smiled, thinking of how Dara would smile when she ate it. Her smile made his day and he was determined to make her smile as long as he was around.

A large signboard ahead slightly move as the winds became stronger. Jiyong didn't notice anything as he walked on.

A single sparrow landed on the signboard for a rest, a small sparrow, light. But that extra weight was all it needed for the screw to come loose.

The signboard came hurling down at the unknowing Jiyong and before he knew it, a large impact hit his head and he collapsed on the floor in a dead faint.

"OH MY GOSH!" The Ahjumma from before rushed out of her shop and panicked. "Young man! Young man you've got to stay alive for your girlfriend! Young man!" she shook Jiyong.


"It's been too long." Dara furrowed her brows. Youngbae and Sohee had already finished their breakfast and they were strolling down the streets. Bom and TOP were roasting corn again, Minzy and Daesung cuddling on the couch and CL and Seungri bickering as usual.

Dara paced round the door and looked out every few seconds. "It's been almost an hour." Dara mumbled as perspiration trickled down her face. "Something must have happened to Ji."

Panic gripped her heart and Dara bit her lip. "I have to find him." she growled as she stormed to the door. Just as she reached it, she saw Youngbae and Sohee running back, panting loudly.

"Dara!" Youngbae panted. "Bad news!"

Dara frowned. "Not now Youngbae. Jiyong isn't back yet I'm going to look for him."

Youngbae shook his head and held on to her. "Listen to me Dara." he looked hesitant. "It's about Jiyong." He immediately got her attention.

"We were walking down the road and we saw a fallen signboard on the floor." Youngbae started. "We grew curious and asked the ahjumma why it was broken. She said it had fallen down and unfortunately hit a young man on the head."

Dara gulped.

"We were about to go when she said that young man was really cute, and his Ssantoki girlfriend would be really sad." Youngbae's voice cracked as Dara flinched. "We showed her a photo of Jiyong and she said..."

"He was the one who got hit by the signboard." Dara finished as she squeezed her eyes shut.

Sohee put her hand on Dara's shoulder assuringly. "Dara unnie... he'll be fine."

"Where is he?" Dara croaked. "Bring me to him, now."


Dara watched Jiyong who had a large bandage on his head, sleeping on the bed in their house back at Busan.

They had rushed to the hospital, gotten his health report and brought him home with Dara's insistence. She wanted to take care of him herself, not leaving him to some other nurses.

Her bottom lip trembled as she brushed the bangs out of Jiyong's face. She saw a bruise at the side of his mouth where his face had collided with the ground with he collapsed. She winced and caressed his cheek softly. "Ji... please wake up soon." she muttered.

The rest of the members looked in the room and closed the door silently. They crept down to the living room and prepared to stay the night over at Dara's house. "I hope he won't forget her." Bom whispered as she leaned against TOP. TOP took her hand assuringly. "He won't." he promised.

"But the doctor said-" Bom frowned.

"We know." Daesung nodded. "The doctor said that the impact was really big. It may alter Jiyong's memories somehow. But Jiyong loves Dara so much, there's no way he would forget her."

CL sighed. "I hope so."


The next morning came in a flash as everyone stayed up worrying. Dara had looked over Jiyong for the entire night and around 7am, she finally fell asleep. She dreamed of Jiyong and her getting married, dreamed of her and Jiyong having children, grandchildren...

She felt something beneath her move and she snapped up immediately, just in time to see Jiyong stir. "Ji?" she gasped. "Are you awake?"

Jiyong groaned and tried to get up, with Dara helping to prop him up with pillows. "Ugh. Head hurts." Jiyong groaned.

Dara bit her lips as she waited for Jiyong to look at her. She had worried herself with the doctor's words for the whole night.

His memory might be altered.

What if he forgot her?

"Ji?" Dara smiled meekly at him. "Do you know who I am?"

Jiyong turned to look at her for a few moments. Dara could hear her own heart beating loudly as she waited for his answer.

His eyes widened for an instant, and his face hardened there after.

"...Sandara Park."

Dara squealed in delight and threw her hands round him happily. "YES YES YES You remember!" she shrieked, not noticing how he called her by her full name instead of Ssantoki.

Jiyong pushed her off him, causing Dara to look at him, confused.

"Sandara Park, there is something you need to know about me." he said in a firm voice.


"I am G-Dragon."

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