Chapter 36

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Dara sat in front of the television watching a family comedy with Jiyong. He didn't understand what they were quarreling about and all, but he enjoyed it all the same.

The show was about a guy who was a son of a CEO of a multinational company. He had gotten into an accident and had lost his memories.

Dara glanced at Jiyong. *Just like him. Maybe except the CEO part.*

The man had stayed at a girl's house in the countryside when he had lost his memories. They learned more about each other, had fun together, and eventually, fell in love.

Dara felt something land on her lap and she gasped as she saw Jiyong lying comfortably on her lap as of it was his pillow.

"Ji!" she gasped.

Jiyong looked up at her cutely. "Wae? Jiyong wants to rest on his favorite person's lap!" he smiled.

Dara felt her heart skip a beat. *Oh god. It's that smile again. Don't show me that smile!!*

She calmed herself down and continued to watch the show to her best of her capabilities.

The man and the girl had gotten engaged, and they were going to be living a peaceful life in the countryside.

When all of a sudden, the man got into another accident. He had lost his memories of the days he spent with the girl, and gained those of when he was the son of the CEO.

He had forgotten about the girl, the countryside, the peaceful happiness they had created together.

Instead, he went back to his CEO life, of riches and wealth. And not to mention back to his fiancé.

The girl went back to the man to find him, but he didn't recognize her anymore. He was back in HIS life, the times he had spent with the girl were just a piece of memory meant to be forgotten.

"What you say may be true." the man told the girl. "We may have fallen in love, we may have thought we were the one for each other. But it is just like a dream I had in my life." he told her honestly. "I don't remember anything about it, and my real life belongs here, in this company, with my fiancé."

Dara gulped as she glanced at Jiyong who had fallen asleep on her lap. She stroked his hair softly.

"Who were you in the past Ji?" Dara whispered. "Do you have a girlfriend or fiancé like that man in the show?"

Her heart cringed at the thought that he may well be married with kids for all she knew.

"What if you already have someone you love waiting for you back there?" Dara asked.

She shook her head and looked up to stop her tears. She knew very well that her feelings for Jiyong were changing with every passing day.

If she didn't control it, she would be heads over heels in love with him in no time.

But when the time comes for him to return back to where he came from, can she let him go?

"I can't love you Ji..." she whispered. "I'm sorry."

A tear dropped on Jiyong's cheek and he stirred. In his dream, his princess that was waiting for him at the castle had boarded another prince's horse and gone off without him.

"Ssantoki..." Jiyong cried out in his dream, as the Dara in the form of the princess left him further and further.


"Youngbae.." Dara peeked into Youngbae's room where he was busy doing the assignments assigned to them that day.

Youngbae's head whipped up in pleasant surprise and he smiled warmly. "Dara ah."

Dara smiled meekly and carried a tray of snacks in. "I made some snacks for you in case you got hungry."

Youngbae raised his brows, blinking at the array of goodies and tarts. His gaze fell on the familiar Tiffany heart locket bracelet on her slim wrist.

His eyes widened and he turned to look at her in surprise. "D-D-Dara?" he stuttered.

Dara blushed pink and bit her lip embarrassed. "I'm wearing it." she nodded.

Youngbae gulped and stood up to face her. "So this means..." he intertwined their fingers. "You'll be my girl?" he asked hesitantly.

Dara nodded shyly.

Youngbae stared at her for a few seconds before yelling in triumph. "YESSSSSS!!" he screamed, scaring the wits out of Dara.

He hugged her and twirled her round the room. "YES YES YES!!! Thanks for saying Yes Dara!"

Dara giggled and slapped his shoulder. "Let me down Youngbae!"

Youngbae put her down gently on his bed and smiled bashfully at her. "I was just too happy Dara!" he grinned. "I'll treat you well, I promise."

Dara nodded. "I know you will."

Youngbae bit his lip and looked at her. "Can I hug you again?"

Dara giggled and nodded. Youngbae grinned widely and hugged her tightly. "I really will treat you well Dara. You mean everything to me." he said softly into her hair.

Dara bit her lip, unable to say the same thing back.

*I hope I'm doing the right thing by choosing Youngbae.*

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