Chapter 12

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"Oh. My. God." CL gasped as the 2NE1 and Big Bang members stood in front of the school gates, staring at the massive building. It was huge. CORRECTION. MASSIVELY WHALE SIZED LARGE. yeah.

"And they say this isn't a top school, in the rural areas.." Seungri stared, wide-eyed. "Then I wonder what those universities in the urban areas look like..." he gaped.

Minzy just cocked her head to the side. "Oh. They're much bigger and grander. This is nothing." she shrugged nonchalantly.
Everyone stared at her.
"Okay.. we kind of forgot that you were the only one who attended university." TOP rolled his eyes. "We only had FORCED private lessons when we weren't fighting."
Bom smiled widely at the school. "I wonder if they sell corn inside??" she mumbled.

Dara's eyes were shining with excitement, since it had been a long time since she had attended an actual school. Besides Minzy, all of them had private tuition at home.

Especially Dara, the Park Leader wouldn't let her go to school for fear that the Kwons would try to attack her.

But now, since the Kwons don't know that she's in Busan, she's free to do what she wants.

She always had her lessons with the Big bang and 2NE1 members. It wasn't that it wasn't fun. Bom would always doodle corn, TOP would be looking at Bom's doodles, CL always had that pissed off face, Seungri always trying to catch CL's attention by doing exaggerated actions, Daesung always being lovesick since Minzy isn't with them.

Youngbae on the other hand, would make sure that he knew what the tutor was teaching so that he could help Dara with her homework later.
But she wanted to go to school and interact with normal non-gang people, just like how everybody does. She wanted to try how being a normal girl was.

Youngbae smiled softly as he watched Dara's eyes twinkle as they walked down the hallway. *She's really child-like.* he thought appreciatively. *No one would have her innocence.*
As the Big Bang and 2NE1 members were walking down the hallway, they a whole lot of attention from the other students.

Looks aside, their hip hop street styled clothes stood out from the crowd of normal wear.

And they just HAD to be so idol looking. WHAT IS WITH THE WORLDDDDD??!

The girls were babes, the guys were hunks, what's so surprising about the fuss the students made because of these new students?

"Omo! Those guys are so good looking! Especially that tall one! SO MANLYYY!"

Bom shot the speaker a killer look through her Bominator eyes. *That's MY Seunghyun you're talking about!*
"Wow! That girl eating corn is so pretty! I think I'll ask her out later."
TOP glared at the guy talking and made a killing move. *How dare he think that way when I havent' even made my move?*


"WHAT THE HELL?" CL cursed. "I thought having such a pretty school would be fun, but all forms of education are the same. BORING AS HELL."

Daesung rotated his neck. "Oh man! That five hour sleep there was the worst I ever had. Didn't even have a pillow..." he muttered.

"You guys just don't listen in class." Dara giggled.

Bom pouted. "What? You didn't listen either. Youngbae is the only one who took down notes."

Youngbae smiled bashfully. "In case you guys needed it someday.." he shrugged.

TOP nudged him. "Yeah right. Us guys? You mean Dara only." he whispered.

"The day was horrible." Seungri complained. "I need to unwind."
"Why don't we go out then?" Minzy asked. "Somewhere to have fun?" she grinned at Daesung who smiled back.
"OKAY!" Seungri squealed. "Let's go play pool, and catch a movie, and play at the arcade and don't forget....CLUBBING!!!!"

Everyone looked at each other.
"That sounds like a good idea." CL grinned.

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