Chapter 67

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"Madam Kwon..." Teddy frowned. "I don't think that's a good plan. We have to leave some men back at the Kwon lair. What if the Parks attack?"

Madam Kwon smirked. "You have to take risks to succeed, little one. Even before that Park bastard realizes that we left our lair empty, we would already have captured his daughter."

"But Big Bang and 2NE1-"

"I have my resources, Teddy." Madam Kwon snickered. "Big Bang is coming to Seoul tomorrow for a mission. Sandara Park will be left with 2NE1 in Busan. Those useless Infinite hasn't been able to capture Sandara Park because of those fighters, but if Big Bang isn't with her, we have a chance."

Teddy nodded with a smile. "That's perfect. Once we have his daughter,"

"We'll have the Park Bastard." Madam Kwon finished.

Teddy nodded and raced off to send orders to the rest of the clan. He was excited alright. They had been in this conflict with the Park clan for ages now, and now they could actually have a chance to beat them.

He bit his lip though. If news get out that the whole clan was going to evacuate their lair and commit to catching Sandara Park, the Parks could easily get their territory.

*But hell.* Teddy growled. * is the chance we've all been waiting for.*

He burst into the Kwon Lair where the rest of the gangs Infinite, Teen Top, B1A4 and Beast were resting.

"Guys?" Teddy smirked. "We have plans."


CL looked around, alert as always. She was the leader and she was one for a reason. She was always wary of everything, sensitive and sharp.

She felt exceptionally vulnerable all of a sudden. Big Bang wasn't here with them. They had just gone back to Seoul for a mission with the Park Leader.

It wasn't that 2NE1 weren't good fighters. But there was just this sense of danger in the air. And CL could feel it.

"Yah Chaerin!" Bom called out. "Whatcha doing there? Come watch this sitcom! And eat these corn I've roasted!"

CL got up from her guarding position at the door and sat beside Bom. Maybe she just got to take a break.

Dara giggled at CL's stiff expression. "Chaerin ah!" she smiled. "Just relax won't you? You won't die just because your Seungrat isn't here with you!"

CL reddened. "Yah!" she growled. "I'm not...missing him.."

"Dara unnie didn't say you were." Minzy teased.

CL turned even redder. "Gah! I give up." she sighed. "I'm just uneasy."

Bom raised her brows. They knew that tone. They may be teasing CL seconds ago, but when CL was serious, all of them could tell. "Something wrong?"

CL frowned. "I don't know why. I just got this sense telling me that something is wron-"

The door burst opened and the girls gulped as numerous men marched into the house. They were all familiar faces, but familiar for the wrong reasons.

"Surprised?" Teddy smirked.

CL growled softly. "Infinite, Teen Top, B1A4 and even Beast." she eyed them. "You really want to catch us don't you."

"Of course." CAP took a step forward. The other gangs got into position while the girls got into theirs.

They were going to be captured. No doubt.

But they weren't going down without a fight.


Jiyong had just delivered chicken to a house nearby and as usual, he took the long route over to Dara's.

He hoped she would come out to the garden or something so he could see her.

Sometimes he didn't even get to see her, but just stay outside her house for a few minutes. But he would be happy. Just knowing that he's close to her made him happy.

The moment his bike got onto the street where Dara's house was located, he felt it. The tension in the air.

His brows furrowed as he raced to Dara's house. His heart stopped when he saw the numerous bikes outside. A familiar bike caught his eye.

It was Teddy's.

"No." Jiyong gasped.

The four gangs came out with the girls in their arms. They pushed the girls into one of the trucks and drove off.

Jiyong caught a glimpse of Dara's frightened form and he clenched his fists tightly.

The Kwon Clan had acted. And he wasn't going to sit back and do nothing.

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