Chapter 8

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Dara, even with her training all along since she was young, found herself panting as she tried to catch up with Jiyong.

The way he ran around, pointing and exclaiming at everything, the energy he had, made Dara utterly sure that he HAD to be involved in some physical straining job before.

"Jiyong! Wait up! You don't know where to go!" Dara called and run to him. She panted to catch her breath and gave him a look.

"Don't run so fast! I can't catch up!" Dara sighed.

Jiyong stop guiltily and hung his head low. " Mianhae. Jiyong was bad. Jiyong will wait for Ssantoki."

Dara giggled and nodded. She walked on. "Just follow me okay, Ji?"

Jiyong nodded and took her hand. Dara stiffened and look down in their intertwined hands. She had never let a guy hold her hand through out her life. This was a first.

She gulped not knowing what to feel. She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Jiyong talking to her.

"Ssantoki! What's that?!" he pointed to the taxi stand.

Dara smiled stiffly and scolded herself mentally. *He's a five year old, not a man! Its okay to hold a man's hand!*

"Its a place where you wait for taxis." Dara explained.

"Ah~" Jiyong nodded in understanding. They walked on for several seconds before Jiyong asked another question.

"But what's taxi?"

Dara sighed. This is going to be a long way home.


Big Bang arrived back home and they headed straight to Dara's wanting to see the girls. Just as TOP was about to open the door, Bom appeared with a flustered expression.

"Hey Bommie, where are you going?" TOP smiled.

Bom's eyes widened as she saw BigBang back. "Oh you guys are back!" she gasped softly. "Big problem. Dara's missing."

"WHAT?!" Youngbae yelped worriedly.

CL frowned. "She went out to get groceries three hours ago. And she's still not back. We're going out to look for her."

"We'll go too". Seungri nodded, throwing an assuring smile at his Chaecat. Youngbae bit his lip, panic firing throughout his body. He would not allow anything to happen to the girl he loves. Nothing.

"Hey guys!"

Seven heads whipped to the side. "DARA AH!" seven of them shrieked.

Youngbae run forward, preparing to embrace Dara in his arms when he saw another guy standing beside her. His gaze fell on their intertwined hands. He flinched.

"Who's this?" he croaked.

Dara smiled and pushed Jiyong forward. "This is Jiyong, Jiyong, this is BigBang and 2ne1." she explained.

"ANNYEONG!!!" Jiyong waved enthusiastically.

CL raised her brows. "Why did you bring him here, Dara?"

Dara grinned bashfully. "He's going to stay with me from today onwards."


"MWO?! (What?!)"


"Oh! So you mean he lost all his memories and he behaves like a five year old child now?" Daesung asked.

Dara glanced at Jiyong who was amused at the table lamp, switching it on and off continuously. "Yeah, that pretty much sums it up."

Minzy nodded in understanding. "We must take him in, he's such a poor thing!" she went up to Jiyong and crouched down. "Annyeong Jiyong ah! I'm Minzy!"

Jiyong blinked at her. Minzy waited anxiously for his reply.

Jiyong smiled brightly. "Annyeong Minzy! Jiyong am Jiyong!" he pointed to himself brightly.

Bom giggled and run forward. "I'm Bom! I like corn!" Jiyong's eyes widened. "I LIKE CORN TOOOOOOO!!!" both of them started squealing and running in circles.

TOP frowned and pulled Bom away. "I'm Seunghyun." Daesung grinned. "I'm Daesung."

"Chaerin." CL nodded a curt nod. Jiyong back away, blinking.

"I think he's scared." Seungri whispered.

CL cleared her throat and smiled a rare genuine smile. "Hi. I'm Chaerin."

Jiyong smiled brightly and went to shake her hand with so much force, it feels like her hand was about to drop off. "HELLOO!!!"

Seungri grinned and leaned against CL's shoulder. "I'm her man. Seungri."

CL elbowed him and glared. "Yeah right. My man? Puh lease I'm not so blind."

Jiyong's eyes darted to the last man standing at the side, who hasn't introduced himself. Youngbae twisted his lips and stepped forward. "Youngbae."

Jiyong frowned and puffed his cheeks. The other members looked at him curiously, surprised at the lack of enthusiasm from Jiyong.

"What's wrong Jiyong?" Dara placed her hands gently on Jiyong's arm, making Youngbae narrow his eyes.

"Jiyong doesn't like him." Jiyong turned away, pouting. "Jiyong no like."

Dara sent a apologetic smile at Youngbae while Seungri was having a high time laughing. "Haha! Hyung you don't have a child-friendly face!"

Youngbae growled and pulled Dara by her wrist to the corner. "I don't trust a man staying with you alone in a house." he said in a low voice.

Dara smiled. "Its okay Youngbae. He was just like a five year old! What can he do to me?"

Before Youngbae could protest...

"Ssantoki!" Jiyong squealed. "What's that?!"

Dara giggled and ran over. "Ji, that's the fridge!"

Youngbae frowned and looked away. *I don't have a good feeling about this.*




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