Chapter 13

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"That was AWEEEEESOMEEEEE~~~" Daesung sang.

"Daesung Oppa! You're drunk!" Minzy squealed and went to help him up.
Daesung squinted his eyes and smiled a goofy smile. "Omo! MINZYYYYY!" he hugged her tight and sniffed her hair. "You smell so nice Minzy!!"

Minzy blushed despite Daesung's drunken state. "Oppa..."

"Chaecat~~~" Seungri whined and ran after her. "Listen to me Chaecat!"
CL rolled her eyes and ignored him. Seungri pouted and pleaded with his eyes watery and innocent. "Trust me Chaecat! Those girls came to me! I didn't go to them! I only see you Chaecat~~~"

CL bit back a smile. "Yeah yeah whatever."

Dara and Youngbae followed behind the crowd, both clear-minded since they didn't really touch the alcohol. Youngbae saw Dara smiling and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "You had fun today?" he asked affectionately.

Dara nodded happily. "Yeah! It's been a long time since I could get this crazy. I really enjoyed it."

"I'm glad." Youngbae grinned. "Next time I'll take you out like this again. Just the two of us."

The oblivious girl didn't detect the tinge of hope and affection behind his words and she just nodded as if he was just asking her on a study session. "Okay! Let's go together next time!" she smiled.

Youngbae smiled to himself. *I hope there'll be more next times to come.*


"Rest and sleep well Dara ah. There's school tomorrow so don't sleep too late." Youngbae walked Dara to her apartment while the others already darted to their houses.

Dara nodded and smiled. "Neh. You too Youngbae. See you tomorrow!" she waved a little. Youngbae had initially wanted to wait for Dara to go into her house, but Dara gestured for him to go and he didn't want to appear to be too clingy.

"Night." he nodded, before turning to go reluctantly. He sighed softly. *Now I really don't want to go to sleep. I hope tomorrow will come soon and I'll be able to see Dara again.*

Dara yawned, tired from the day's events and she turned the doorknob slowly. She felt for the light switch in the dark, and clicked it open.
Her eyes widened.

"Oh my god." she gasped.

Her house, or the house she once recognized, had already turned upside down. It was horrifying.
Her table was overturned, flower vase flipped on the floor, crashed into pieces. The pillows on her couch were thrown everywhere, the picture of her and her dad on the wall, crooked and almost falling, her television lying flat.

There were two possibilities.
1. Hurricane Katrina hit her house.
2. She was robbed.

Dara gaped at the mess her house was in, the difference between how it was now and how she left it in the morning was so starkingly different.

"What the hell happened in here?" she shook her head confused.

Thinking that it was a burglar, Dara turned to the door, wanting to head over to Big Bang's to ask for help. When all of a sudden, she heard a crash from upstairs. She froze.
*The burglar's still at home?* she gulped.

She pulled her pocket gun out of her jeans and her senses immediately heightened. She tip toed sneakily up the stairs, confident that the burglar wouldn't hear her since she was trained to do this.

She flinched when she heard another crash. *That burglar is going to get it if he messes up my dressing table.*
She stopped outside her room and took a deep breath. She made a "Fighting!" fist and burst through the door.

"PUT YOUR HANDS UP! I HAVE A GUN-" her eyes widened. "Jiyong?"

There on her bed, amidst the terror and mess, laid the puffy eyed, running nose, messy haired Jiyong. He was crying and bawling like no tomorrow until he saw Dara come in.

His face brightened and the next thing Dara knew, she was pinned to the ground with the man hugging her tightly and sobbing in her chest. "SSANTOKIIIIIII~~~~" he whined.

Dara gasped lightly when she realized she forgot about Jiyong all day because she was having fun herself. Guilt washed over her and she patted his back soothingly. Was he frightened because of the burglar?

"Ji," Dara pushed him. "Get off me. I have to catch the burglar!"
Jiyong sniffed and blinked. "Burglar?" he echoed.

Dara nodded. "The person who made all this mess." she frowned as she gestured around her.

Jiyong nodded. "Jiyong knows who it is." he mumbled. Dara's eyes rounded. "It's Jiyong!" he smiled cutely.

Dara gaped at him. "YOU CREATED ALL THESE MESS???" she shrieked one octave higher than her normal voice. "WHY?"

Jiyong pouted and a tear trickled down his cheek. "Because Ssantoki left me! How can Ssantoki leave Jiyong! Jiyong was so sad and scared! Jiyong hates Ssantoki!"

"Jiyong..." Dara frowned and bit her lip.

"Don't leave Jiyong alone again Ssantoki..." Jiyong sobbed. "Please?"
Dara sighed and looked around at the mess in the house. Of course. If she did, this would happen again.

"Fine Jiyong.. I won't leave you alone again." Dara surrendered in despair.

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