Chapter 42

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"Jiyongie~" Sohee cooed. "Why don't you want to play with Sohee? Sohee learned the Power Puff Girl song for you!"

Jiyong ignored her and his head remained turned away.

Sohee pouted and shook his shoulders. "Jiyongie~" she whined. "I'm supposed to bring you to the kindergarten today. You can't ignore me all the while Jiyongie~"

Jiyong gritted his teeth and stared out of the window. Oh yes he can ignore her and he will.

Sohee huffed frustratedly. She was pretty and had her fair share of guys after her. She turned down all of them for Jiyong, even though his mind was just of a five year old.

But he just wasn't responding to her advances! It was infuriating!

"Jiyongie~" Sohee pouted. "Why don't you look at me? Why don't you talk to me? Why do you only respond to Dara unnie?"

"Because Jiyong loves her." came a whisper.

It was so soft and heartbreaking, Sohee doubted her ears for a moment. "Excuse me?" she asked, laughing hesitantly.

Jiyong turned to look at her and Sohee covered her mouth to hide her gasp. His eyes were red and puffy, a sign that he had cried all night.

"Jiyong loves Ssantoki." he repeated firmly.

Sohee couldn't believe her ears. "You don't know what you're talking about Jiyongie!" Sohee mumbled in shock. "How can you love Dara Unnie? You're going to love me!"

Jiyong shook his head. "Jiyong loves Ssantoki, loves only Ssantoki, will only love Ssantoki. Jiyong will never love you."

Sohee shook her head in denial. "Andwae! You can't just reject me like this! I like you so much!" she wailed.
Jiyong turned away, too tired to cry. "Then Ssantoki shouldn't have ignored Jiyong, cause Jiyong loves her even more."


"Good luck at school Jiyongie." Sohee patted his shoulder. She had finally calmed down and gotten used to the fact that she had always known: that Jiyong loves Dara.

Jiyong nodded, his face depressed and listless. Sohee flinched. *Who knew a five year old mind like him could fall so deeply in love?*

"I'll be going Jiyongie." she waved and walked off. Once she turned the corner, she let her tear flow. It was the first time she really liked a guy so much.

"But I guess I'm not the one for him." she mumbled.

Jiyong watched as Sohee walked away, his heart heavy. He wondered what Dara was doing now at school. Was she thinking of him? Why didn't she believe that he loved her?

His heart was breaking, a piece of him was dying. He needed to clarify once more.

He loved her more than anything.

Jiyong, being the stubborn five year old he was, ran away before the caretaker could bring him into the kindergarten. He memorized his the route from the last time and he was going to get to Dara no matter what.

The caretaker shrieked after Jiyong, running as fast as she could after him.
"Yah Jiyong! Where are you going again!"


"WHAT?" Dara stood up all of a sudden in the cafeteria. "What do you mean he ran away?" she shrieked.

Everyone turned to look at her, curious about the fuss she was making. Bom hushed her and made her sit down.

Dara gripped tight on her phone. "When did he go?" she asked urgently. "Five minutes ago? Okay. Thanks. Bye."

"What happened?" Youngbae asked worriedly, stroking her back in a soothing fashion.

Dara took a deep breath. "Ji ran away from the kindergarten." her brows automatically furrowed. "He just left five minutes ago."

"Wow!" Seungri gasped. "Jiyong's really a rebel."

"What do you think made him run away?" Minzy asked confused.
Dara bit her lip. "He told me he loved me." she whispered. All eyes fell on her in disbelief.

"What?" Youngbae gasped. "So that's what he told you yesterday?"

Dara nodded. "And I told him not to lie. I told him be didn't know what he was talking about. I denied him the chance to explain." she shut her eyes in guilt.

Silence engulfed the table as they digested what Dara said.

"No wonder he asked us about love yesterday." Daesung mumbled. "He was figuring out his feelings."

"He must have been hurt, Dara." CL sighed. "You shouldn't have done that. He's just a five year old."

Dara buried her face in her hands. "Now what?"

"I'm sure he'll come to the school to look for you like the last time." TOP said thoughtfully. "Being as stubborn as he is, I'm sure he would want to talk to you again."

Dara nodded and played with her fingers anxiously. Bom squeezed her shoulders. "Just wait for him to arrive, Dara."

Dara looked out of the window at the gate and her eyes were filled with worry and fear.

Youngbae frowned slightly as mixed feelings passed through him.

*Even though you kind of rejected Jiyong,* he thought. *Why don't I feel like you really belong to me?*

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