Chapter 65

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"Park Leader..." Youngbae frowned slightly as their leader collapsed on the couch of the Big Bang's lair, face pale and tired.

"Youngbae." he looked at him. "Come, sit."

Youngbae nodded and took a seat opposite of the Park Leader. The Park Leader looked at Youngbae for a second and sighed. "Do you think you can bring my daughter out of depression, Youngbae?"

Youngbae bit his lip. "I really don't know, sir." he confessed honestly. "The only one who can bring her out of him."

The Park Leader sighed. "I know. But can't you do something? Please?" he pleaded. "I hate to see my daughter in this state. Please help her, Youngbae."


"I'm begging you as a father, not the Park Leader, not your superior, not a member of the Park Clan, but as Sandara Park's father. Please." he said in a sincere voice.

Youngbae sighed and nodded. "I'll try, sir."



Dara looked up and saw Youngbae coming into her room cautiously. She faked a smile and made space for him on her bed, which he sat on.

"Aren't you going to school again today, Dara ah?" Youngbae asked.

Dara sighed softly. "I don't feel like it. I don't think I can manage facing so many people and putting a smile on my face for them."

Youngbae frowned. "Dara.."

"I know." Dara squeezed her eyes shut. "I know you want me to forget him like all the others. But I can't. I love him, Youngbae. I really loved him a lot."

"I'm not asking you to forget him, Dara. I'm asking you to live your life better for him." Youngbae looked at her, earning a confused look from the latter.

"I don't understand." Dara frowned.

"Jiyong," Youngbae continued. "Don't you think he feels bad when he sees that you're suffering because of him? Don't you think he blames himself for your pain?"

Dara laughed bitterly. "Why would he care? I bet he's back at the Kwon Clan, plotting how to get us."

"He isn't back at the Kwon Clan, Dara." Youngbae said in a soft voice. "G-Dragon is still missing, for the Kwon Clan members. He's still around, watching you."

Dara took a sharp intake of breath as she waited for Youngbae to explain.


Youngbae was walking back to the Big Bang's house to retrieve a file he forgot to bring. The rest of the members were already in school, while Dara was the only one left at home since she wasn't in any mood to study.

To his surprise and shock, he saw several familar faces outside Dara's house.

*Infinite.* Youngbae growled and prepared to charge towards them before they did anything to Dara.

Before he could do anything, another man appeared from nowhere and punched Woohyun right on the jaw. Woohyun fell on the floor in surprise, and Dongwoo tried to get a hit on the intruder.

The man punched Dongwoo and Hoya in their chests at the same time, while his leg kicked Sungyeol off balance.

Youngbae watched in amazement as the man defeated four of the Infinite members himself. 1:4.

The Infinite members growled and scattered instantly, knowing they were defeated. The man dusted his hands and threw a meaningful and longing look at the second floor's window, where Dara's bedroom was located.

He sighed a deep sigh before turning, and finally noticing Youngbae.

Youngbae gasped lightly at the familiar man in front of him. Jiyong. Kwon Jiyong.

Their eyes met and understanding passed between the two men. Jiyong's eyes hardened. "Don't tell her." he said in an emotionless voice, before hopping onto his motorbike and riding off.


Dara's eyes were large by the time Youngbae finished. Her eyes darted around, not knowing what to focus her haze upon. "He's still here?" she breathed in disbelief.

"He is." Youngbae assured. "I didn't want to tell you since he asked me not to, and it would give you hope. But your dad's worried about you and I figured this would cheer you up."

He looked at her in the eye. "Believe in him, Dara. He's still somewhere in Busan, looking after you in the shadows. The fact that he hasn't gone back to his G-Dragon life means that he still loves you. Don't make him suffer with you when he sees you suffering."

Dara smiled softly as she made her way to the window. She saw a delivery boy drive off immediately and the sides of her lips tugged slightly.

"For Ji." she nodded.

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