Chapter III : Clever Jiyong

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"Damn it doctor! What the hell is wrong with my wife?" Jiyong demanded as he punched the wall.

The doctor jumped in fright. "Mr Kwon please calm down." he urged. "Apparently, your wife has a peculiar case of memory loss for her past year's memory. In addition to that, the impact has also somewhat affected her mental capabilities. I am sorry to say that her IQ may now deteriorate till she's just like a kindergarten child."

Jiyong swallowed and collapsed on a chair. He stared at the ground blankly. *No way. It can't happen again. And to my Ssantoki as well. How can my Ssantoki not remember me?*

"Shit." Seungri cursed. "This is like baby Jiyong all over again."

The girls began huddling together and crying their hearts out. The wink that passed between Bom to CL went unnoticed by their boyfriends, and they internally praised themselves for their great acting.

"What are we going to do now?" Youngbae asked as he collapsed into the seat beside Jiyong with Sohee crying in his arms.

Jiyong shot him a look. "What do you mean what are we going to do?" he demanded. "I'll get Dara to remember me whatever it takes. It doesn't matter if she's acting like a twenty year old Dara or a five year old one. I won't abandon her like that."

The girls nodded inwardly to themselves at Jiyong's response. Hmmm. Score one for the Kwon Leedah.

"You know he didn't mean it that way, Hyung." Daesung sighed. "I know you're stressed, but stay strong for Dara Noona alright?"

Jiyong nodded as he slowly walked back to Dara's ward. "For Dara." he whispered.

The gang entered the hospital ward again to find Jiyong trying to go closer to Dara, while the latter was edging away further and further away.

"Don't come any closer Weird Ahjusshi!" she complained. "Ahjusshi is so scary!"

Jiyong let out a frustrated sigh and ruffled his hand in his hair. "Dara babe. Why can't you just let me sit next to you?" he pleaded. "Look at me babe. Please?"

Dara struggled in his strong grip defiantly. "Let Dara go, Ahjusshi!"

"Dara please." Jiyong begged, his voice cracking and close to breakdown. "Don't you remember me? I'm Jiyong, your Jiyong. Your husband. Your love of your life. Your soulmate. Remember?"

CL forced herself not to gag.

Dara shook her head and whined. "Ahjusshi you're hurting me!" she complained.

Jiyong saw that he was holding onto her wrists too hard and he loosened his grip. Dara pulled her hands back immediately and blew on her now pink skin.

"Dara..." Jiyong looked at her longingly.

"Jiyong I think you need to take it slow." Bom advised. "All the males, maybe except Jiyong, go out. I think it's time for Dara to change her clothes and her bandage. The doctor says she's good to go."

Jiyong sat on the bed and stared at the floor blankly while Bom accompanied Dara into the bathroom to get changed. She couldn't even change herself. She was like a child.

Jiyong felt his eyes water and he cursed himself for being weak. Why did this have to happen to her? Her of all people? Doesn't God know he'll take any pain for her? Why didn't He punish him instead?

Jiyong's eyes fell on the discarded bandage in the dustbin that had once held Dara's head wound. He flinched at the amount of blood present on the white bandages. *I can't imagine how much she had to suffer. God Dara.*

He bit his lip, his fists clenched together, when suddenly he noticed something off.

The blood on the bandage...why did it look a little too red to be true?

Jiyong bent down and took the bandage from the bin and inspected it. His sharp eyes widened with close inspection and the corners of his mouth twitched up in a smirk.

He was Kwon Jiyong, G-Dragon for heaven's sake. He had killed mercilessly before, and split blood was a common sight. He could tell real and fake blood in an instant, and he could certainly swear upon his soul that Dara's "blood" was some sort of red ink those actors used in movies.

Dara came out of the bathroom with Bom, and had changed into her home clothes. Jiyong met her eyes and his expression, unreadable.

Dara blinked at him curiously for a second, before Jiyong quickly reverted to his worried look. Dara bit her bottom lip to contain her smile that Jiyong was falling for their trick.

Nothing escaped the Kwon Leedah's eyes. He fought back a smirk and smiled inwardly to himself.

*Sandara Park. I never knew you were such a playful one like this. If that's how you want to play, I'll play along. Let's see when you'll regain your "forgotten" memories.* he chuckled.

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