Chapter 41

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Jiyong rushed back to Dara's house immediately, his face flushed and red. He finally understood what he felt.

Why he always felt happy when Dara was around. Why his heart always beats in this weird way when he sees her. Why he feels like he lost something important when she's not with him. Why he always feels like punching Youngbae when he sees the latter with her.

He loves her. The lover's type of love.

Even though he was just supposed to be a five year old, he really does love her. He was clear as crystal about how he felt, and after hearing Big Bang's descriptions, he was more than sure that he really does love her.

He barged into the house and saw Dara and Youngbae setting up the table with plates, waiting for the Big Bang and 2NE1 members to come over for dinner in a while.

Dara raised her brows as she saw Jiyong running to her. *Did he go to Big Bang's?* she thought.

To her surprise, Jiyong pulled Youngbae and dragged him out of the house and closed the door in the latter's face. "Yah Jiyong what are you doing!" Youngbae pounded on the door frustratedly.

"Jiyong needs to tell Ssantoki something!" Jiyong yelled through the door. "You can't listen!"

He turned and ran to Dara in a rush, taking her hands tightly in his. Dara couldn't help the blush that crept up her cheeks, even though it took all her cells and determination to keep a straight face. "What do you want to say, Ji?" she asked in a monotonous voice.

"Jiyong loves you, Ssantoki." Jiyong stared at her and said seriously. If not for the fact that he had used his name instead of first person account, Dara would have forgotten that he was supposed to be a five year old, because he looked so manly and serious.

Dara laughed awkwardly. "I know, you said that before remember Ji?" she rubbed her hands to calm her shivers. "And I explained it to you that you must specify that it's the friend's type of love." she told him warningly. "If Sohee hears you saying this to me, she would misunderstand."

Jiyong stomped his feet in protest. "NONONO!" he wailed. "Ssantoki's wrong! Jiyong doesn't love Ssantoki in the friend way!" he shrieked.

He gripped her shoulders and made her look at him. "Jiyong loves you, the lover's type of love!" he exclaimed.

"Ji!" Dara gasped. "You don't know what you're saying!"

Jiyong shook his head. "ANIYO! Hyunnie, Seunggie, and Sunggie told Jiyong about love! The love Jiyong has for Ssantoki is not friend's love! Ssantoki lied to me!" he frowned.


Dara paled. Her heart was beating at an insanely speed now, the butterflies going in big loops in her stomach. She was going mad with a mix of happiness, disbelief, and hesitation.

*He loves me?* she screamed in her head. *He loves me! HE LOVES ME!!!*

Jiyong looked at her softly and caressed her cheek. "Jiyong really loves Ssantoki, and will only love Ssantoki." he promised. He tilted his head. "Does Ssantoki love Jiyong too?"

Dara stared into his brown mesmerising eyes, getting lost in them. *Yes. Oh god. I love him. I love him.* she finally realized.

A sudden knock on the door made Dara snap out of her thoughts. "Yah Jiyong are you done talking to Dara?" Youngbae yelled.

Dara gulped. She already has Youngbae. And she can't fall for Jiyong. What is he going to do, and how can she take it, if he were to leave someday?

"You're realy just confused, Ji." Dara told Jiyong, avoiding his gaze. "You don't love me the lover's way. It's the friends way or the family way. But not the lover's way."

"No!" Jiyong protested. "Jiyong loves Ssantoki in the-"

"JI!" Dara shrieked. She took a deep breath to calm herself. "You don't love me the lover's way." she said firmly. "I'll pretend I never heard all these lies before."

"But-" Jiyong tried saying, but Dara walked away.

*I wasn't lying...*


A tear rolled down Dara's cheek as she stared up at the ceiling, trying to catch a wink of sleep. She had made Sohee eat over with them, making sure that Jiyong would not have the chance to talk to her.

She felt her heart breaking when she caught Jiyong looking longingly at her, refusing to eat or drink.

She loved him. But they can't be together. It was for his good, it was to prepare for his departure for his original life.

The fact that she had really fallen in love with him made everything even worse. She had tried to prevent this from hapening, but it had happened anyway. She really didn't want to hurt him, she really wanted to stay by his side forever.

"If only Jiyong really belonged by my side." Dara whimpered. "If only, he didn't have another life to return to."

Jiyong had cried non stop ever since Dara went up to her bedroom. It hurts so bad to be denied and rejected. She didn't tell him that she didn't love him back, but she denied his love.

He may be unsure of everything, his past, his full name, his future. But he was dead sure that he really loved her.

*Ssantoki... Why don't you believe me?*

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