Chapter 58💕

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(A/N: Okay I know this is Hyorin aka the fiance of our very own Youngbae but I don't want to pair him up with someone else rather than her future wife so

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(A/N: Okay I know this is Hyorin aka the fiance of our very own Youngbae but I don't want to pair him up with someone else rather than her future wife so... Let me just spread love for the soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Dong! )

Youngbae peered over at Sohee who was smiling happily at the sea in front of them. They were sitting at a cliff that was overlooking the lighthouse and the pier, and gentle sea breeze was blowing, making the atmosphere comfortable and peaceful.

Sohee's hands were spread out wide as she closed her eyes to feel the wind, her hair flapping along gaily, and a smile tugging her pink lips. She looked so precious, like a doll.

*Why didn't I notice that she was this pretty before?* Youngbae asked himself. "BECAUSE YOU ONLY SAW DARA!" his conscience screamed.

Youngbae sighed softly, earning a curious look from Sohee. "Something on your mind?" she tilted her head cutely.

Youngbae nodded and looked out at the sea. "Yeah."

Sohee shifted nearer to him and looked at him, concerned. "You can tell me what it is." she offered. "It's better letting it out."

Youngbae looked at her in the eyes and a small smile surfaced. "Well..." he started slowly. "For starters, it's about a girl." Sohee nodded, gesturing for him to continue. "She had taken a liking to this guy in the beginning, and I had liked another girl B."

Sohee bit her lip, knowing that he was talking about Dara, but she didn't know the other girl and guy he was talking about.

"I had always liked this girl B, from when I was young." Youngbae stared up at the sky. "She used to be the reason why I smiled, why i strived hard, why I was still living."

Sohee flinched. *So Dara Unnie had meant so much to him.*

"But recently..." Youngbae said in a gentler voice. "I found that the reason I was living had changed. It was no longer for this girl B, but instead this girl A. I don't know how it happened too, but I started to lose sight of girl B, and all I could think about and see was girl A."

Sohee remained silent, trying not to cry. She wondered who was that lucky girl to have caught Youngbae's heart this time round.

"But girl A..." Youngbae continued. "She had liked this guy. She had given up on the guy, but I really don't know if she has completely forgotten about him. I hope she did."

Youngbae peeked at Sohee who was deep in thought. "Maybe you should ask her?" she suggested.

Youngbae nodded. "Yeah. But I guess I should tell her that I have already completely gotten over girl B. The one I love now is her." Sohee bit her lips hard to prevent her tears from dropping. "Oh. I guess." she mumbled.

She scrambled up hurriedly. "I think I left my phone in the resort, I'll go get it." she muttered, trying to get away. Youngbae held on to her wrist and she looked at him confusedly.

"Aren't you going to answer my confession, girl A?" he mused. Sohee blinked at him. "M-M-Me?" she stuttered. "B-But..."

Youngbae pulled her onto his lap and looked into her eyes seriously. "I know that you may have been doubtful since I had liked Dara in the past. But I can assure you, the only one I see now is you. You don't understand how I had struggled with myself. I thought I only loved Dara, and when thoughts of you started surfacing, I tried so hard to keep them down. But no matter how hard I tried, I found myself looking only at you, thinking only about you." he caressed her cheek.

"I love you, Sohee." Youngbae smiled softly. "Will you forget Jiyong and give me this chance?"

"YESS AND YESSSSS!" she squealed and flung her arms round his neck. "I love you too Youngbae Oppa! And I've completely forgotten about Jiyong. I only love you!"

Youngbae chuckled and pecked her temple. "Me too."


"Ji! Not so fast!" Dara yelled, pedalling her bike after him

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"Ji! Not so fast!" Dara yelled, pedalling her bike after him. "You only learnt how to cycle today! I don't want you falling over!" she screamed.

Jiyong beamed back at her and pedalled back. He had indeed just mastered how to cycle that day, but he was G-Dragon no matter what. He didn't break a sweat, didn't wobble, didn't fall. Once he got on the bike, he was off and speeding like a pro. Dara could hardly believe it was his first time.

*Perhaps he knew how to ride a bicycle in the past.* she thought. Hell yeah. He knew how to ride all sorts of bikes but she didn't need to know.

"Ssantoki!" Jiyong smiled widely. "Why are you so slow! Let's go over there! There are pretty flowers on the field! Jiyong wants to pick some for Ssantoki!"

Dara giggled. "Neh. But seriously I'm really afraid you'll fall. Just ride the same pace as me alright?" she persuaded.

"Jiyong won't fall." Jiyong promised. "Jiyong is Jiyong. Jiyong doesn't fall." he grinned. Dara rolled her eyes and laughed. *He caught Seungri's disease.*

"If Ssantoki wants to go at the same pace as Jiyong, then why not Ssantoki ride with Jiyong?" he patted the seat behind him. Dara looked at him curiously as he urged her to get on.

She shrugged, getting off her own bike and sitting on his. Jiyong took both her hands and wound it round his waist tightly, smiling at the contact. "Let's go Ssantoki!" he cheered, and pedalled off.

Dara leaned against his warm back and gazed at the flowers and trees that passed by as they went. She felt so happy just to be with him like this. Nothing had made her this satisfied before.

Jiyong turned back to look at Dara once in a while, making her scold him for not keeping his eyes on the road. But he didn't mind. He knew she wasn't really angry, but just concerned about him.

He loved the way she held on to him, like she needed him, like she depended on him even though he was supposed to be the immature one. Even being the five-year old he was, he wanted to take care of her, he wanted to make her smile not only because she loved him, but because he could do something to put that smile on her face.

"Ssantoki?" he muttered.

When he received no answer, he looked back and saw Dara sleeping against his back. He chuckled softly and smiled to himself.

"Ssantoki.." he whispered. "Jiyong thinks.. Jiyong really really loves you. So much, Jiyong will die if Ssantoki has to leave."

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