Chapter 59

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"Get that you stupid rat!" CL growled as she chased Seungri down the beach. He chuckled softly as he suddenly stopped and whirled around, making her bump into his chest.

"Running into my arms." Seungri smirked as he wrapped his arms round her waist. "Literally."

CL rolled her eyes and snatched her slippers from him. "Childish." she scoffed.

"That, we agree." Bom and Minzy retorted. The Big Bang and 2NE1 members finally met up at the beach and were having fun argue seaside, playing with water.

"Oh look at Jiyong and Dara having fun building sandcastles." Daesung sighed dreamily.

TOP squinted and his thick brows furrowed. "Ahem." he cleared his throat. "I may call Dara's a sandcastle but Jiyong's a sandmountain."

Sohee and Youngbae were childishly splashing each other with water. Daesung raised his brows at them. "I've never seen Youngbae acting so childish before. Eww."

Bom slapped his arm. "You act stupid in front of Minzy too so I don't think you have the right to talk."

Seungri and CL came back to the shade after running around in the sand, panting and red in the face. "I'm not tired of fighting gangsters," CL exclaimed. "But I'm actually tired from chasing that stupid rat."

"Aww come on!" Seungri pouted cutely. "You love me~"

The rest of them gagged and Dara giggled. Jiyong was intent on making his sand-ahem-mountain pretty as claimed that he and Dara would be living there after it was finished.

A waiter came and served them cool summer drinks and they slurped it down happily. The waiter eyed the five beautiful girls and smiled a dazzling smile at them. "Enjoy, ladies."

TOP rolled his eyes. "Why don't they ever say enjoy, men?" he muttered under his breath.

Daesung nodded and furrowed his brows. "Why is it that guys are the only one that get jealous? It isn't fair!" he growled softly.

"Welll~" Seungri smirked. "This calls for a plan."

"Well im out." Youngbae immediately declared and walked off. Talk about Mr Nice.

"What plan?" Daesung asked curiously. Seungri smiled mysteriously. "We will find ourselves girls to make our girls jealous."

"But what about Jiyong?" TOP asked curiously, though thoroughly excited about the plan. Seungri just smirked. "Leave it to me."


The girls were curious why their boyfriends had suddenly left their side after their lovey dovey moment before. They had disappeared without a trace, all of them, including Jiyong.

"Did our boyfriends turn gay?" Minzy asked. "Since when did guys go to the toilet in a whole group?"

"And they've already went for fifteen minutes." CL observed. "This is suspicious.."

Dara was the one who was the most worried. She felt like she was apart from her heart when Jiyong wasn't around her. She didn't feel comfortable when he wasn't around.

Just as the girls decided to look for their boyfriends, they came back, but not alone. Behind them were a dozen pretty bikini babes, following like lost puppies.

"What the hell?" Bom growled as one girl went closer to her TOP.

The Big Bang member's didn't do anything that went beyond the line. They refused skinship when the girls got close, they didn't smile as brightly as when they were with their girlfriends. But the bikini girls were just literally fawning over them, giving seductive looks and all.

And the worst thing for the 2NE1 girls is that they have no reason to be jealous because their boyfriends aren't reacting to the bikini babe's advances.

But hell were they jealous or what.

Bom was the first one to lose control and she strutted to the girl that hovered round her TOP. She laced her fingers with TOP and smiled sweetly at him. "Baby, aren't you getting your GIRLFRIEND roasted corn?" she asked.

The girls sighed in disbelief at the taken, but undeniably hot man. They immediately turned their attention to the remaining three.

Bom glared at her boyfriend who gave her a puppy face. *Haha I so love her being possessive.* TOP smirked inwardly.

Minzy didn't dare to confront Daesung like that, so she called him from where she was. "Daesung Oppa!" she yelled. "Have you placed out bags in OUR SHARED ROOM?"

Daesung bit back a smile as he nodded. His little kitty was so cute being mad.

CL was the most mad as she stormed over to where Seungri was having a nice little chat with two sexy girls. She pulled him by the collar and pressed her lips on his.

Seungri's eyes widened in surprise as he gladly returned the kiss. CL pulled away and she glared at the girls. "This is my man." she growled.

Seungri grinned at her, impressed. "Chaecat I didn't know you had it in you." he gasped. "That was hot!"

CL shot him a look. "Shut up!" she snapped. "Don't go around flirting with girls you hear?"

Seungri smiled to himself. *Wow if flirting with girls could make the tigress initiate kisses like that, I don't mind doing it everyday!*

Jiyong watched as the girlfriends freed their boyfriends from the bikini babes one by one. Dara however, sat by the side, not doing anything. Jiyong didn't like the bikini babes, he didn't like how she didn't seem to care.

What he didn't know was that inside, Dara was trying hard not to storm over and tear those heads off the bitches. *Stay calm Dara. Ji won't do anything to betray you.*

Jiyong couldn't take it anymore and ran over to Dara. "Ssantoki! Why didn't you come over like the rest?" he asked, upset.

Dara blinked at him in surprise. "You want me to?" she asked. "I thought you wouldn't want your girlfriend to pull you away because it seemed unmanly."

Jiyong frowned. "Jiyong doesn't care about manly." he huffed. "Jiyong just cares about Ssantoki, and Jiyong is upset that Ssantoki isn't jealous!"

Dara raised her brows and giggled. "You want me to be jealous, Ji?" she smiled in delight. Jiyong nodded, pouting.

Dara giggled and hugged him, burying her face in his chest. "I love you, that's why I respected your actions and chose not to interfere. But if you want me to, I can."

"And for your information," Dara looked up at him smiling. "I was really really jealous."

Jiyong chuckled and bent down capturing her lips. The other couples let out several "awww"s.

"Don't you dare flirt with girls anymore." Dara punched his chest lightly. "Arraso?"

Jiyong nodded happily. "Neh! Anything as long as Ssantoki was jealous!"

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