1- Winning Isn't Everything

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Here we go again, another tournament. Its as if they never end! But hey, that’s what happens when your fencing team is County Champions,” I thought to myself as we unloaded the bus at the location of our tourney. “SO, in honor of the last tournament, we’re all going to Red Mango, right?” I asked my three best friends. Red Mango is this amazing frozen yogurt place in town, where you get to choose as many of whatever toppings you want.

“Of course,” Blakely answered while placing her bag down.

“You know it,” Amelia said after choosing her bag from the pile.

“What about you Layla? You’re coming right?” I asked.

“I can, but I have band right after the tourney, sorry Skye.” Layla responded, a bit sad.

“It’s okay, as long as we can have our sleepover afterwards!” I said, trying to cheer things up.

We are all massive One Direction fans and have always dreamed of meeting them. And today, that dream, will hopefully, come true. As I walked through the door, I see a huge poster announcing that the five gorgeous members of One Direction will be giving out the trophies and medals to the winners of today’s tournament.

Before I could regain by belief of that actually happening, Blakely ran up behind me and pointed towards the poster. “Oh my gosh! Do you see that Skye?”

“Yeah, it’s amazing.” I said, calling over Amelia and Layla.

“Talk about your motivation,” Layla joked; we all laughed. Just as we finished joking around, the intercom pierced our ears with a loud, but muffled voice.

“Will all Women’s Foil fencers please report to the Cafeteria for registration, thank you.”

“Alright, well we’ll see you guys later!” Amelia and Blakely had left.

“So, are you actually going to try and do well for this tourney?” Layla asked me as the Women’s Epée were called down to the gym.

“Do I ever? Well, actually yes, I’m going to try because I’ve always dreamed of the day I met Niall.” My cheeks started to get red with embarrassment as I said that. Did I really just say that out loud?

“You do care! I knew there were some emotions in you,” Layla said while we walked into the room. My cheeks were flushed with red.

“Well, yeah. I mean he just seems so amazing, I’d love to get to know him better.” I said, while being hooked up to fence.

“Fencer’s Ready? Fence.” I heard the director yell as I got into en garde. “Touch to my left, 5-0. Bout.” I took my mask off and shook my opponent’s hand.

“Good bout!” I said with a massive smile on my face as Layla was unhooking me.

“If you fence like that, there’ll be no doubt you’re going to meet him.” Layla said, smiling.

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