Chapter 2

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Hey, this is my chapter so hope you like it. ~ Arden

Jade's POV

I walk away from Eve feeling horrible. I knew she didn't like Lily but I didn't really know why. Actually, we all knew she didn't like Lily and none of us could understand it. Lily was always so nice to everyone. She was the sweetest girl I knew and honestly, I didn't know how she could do it.

I approach Lily and see that Alice is sitting beside her while Marlene left an open seat for me. I dropped myself into the seat and got out my notebook. I loved drawing. I loved it so much so that I would just sit down and begin drawing people. And that was exactly what I was doing.

I wasn't sure why but I had always loved drawing Lily in particular.

I feel a tug on my notebook and immediately look up with a look of annoyance on my face. "Stop drawing and start talking!" After I could look past my annoyance I realized that it was Alice who had tugged.

"What?" I had no idea what they had been talking about. I never knew what anyone was saying when I had the notebook out.

"What have you been up to? You haven't written to any of us! We thought you were dead!" I gave out a slight laugh and began to scroll through my memories. I thought I had written to them.

I thought of all the letters I wrote and none of them were to Lily, Alice, or Marlene. The majority of all my letters were sent to either Eve or Remus. Only a few to the rest of my friends but none to them. I couldn't possibly say that though.

Lucky for me they weren't very good at catching lies and I was quite good at telling them. "Everything was really busy. We had lot's of family coming in it was kind of a mess."

Of course that wasn't even close to true. None of my family came for any reason and I almost never stepped out of the house.

"Oh, well that's nice." With most people I would've thought they were trying to be mean but not with Lily. She honest to God meant that. "Yeah, it was." After that I shoved my nose in my notebook again.

I feel a hand pry my notebook from my hands. "Bloody hell" Marlene, the notebook snatcher, cut me off. "You need to stop drawing and start talking! You're just so anti social! What is it that you're drawing that's so important anyways?"

Marlene turns my notebook around to see what it was that I was drawing. "Dear God Jade! You draw Lily so much that I start to wonder if you're in love with her!" I begin to laugh but it seemed to just make Lily and Alice uncomfortable. "She just has a very drawable face, that's all." I say as I take my notebook from Marlene's hands and proceed to shut it and set it on the ground.

I sit there in silence as everyone else begins chattering. "Trolley! Anyone want anything from the trolley?" At that I stand up and tell them that I'm going to get some candy.

I stand in line and Remus comes up behind me. "Hello." he says. He was always so awkward but I didn't mind. "Hey Remus! I didn't really see you!" I hug him and he awkwardly hugs me back.

"How are you?" he asks. I could smell something which made me completely ignore his question. "Is that" I stop mid sentence and smell him realizing what it was. "Remus, are you wearing cologne?"

He look to the floor and nodded. I couldn't tell if he was embarrassed or if it was just his natural awkwardness. "Well, I really like it. You smell really nice." He looks at me, the awkwardness melted away, and said "Thank you."

I smiled at him then turned around because I had finally reached the front of the line. I asked the lady "May I have ten chocolate frogs?"

she looked at me funny then replied, looking as if she realized something, "Oh yes, you're that girl." then let me go with my candy. I walked back into our spot and Alice looked at me like I was a nimrod.

"You did it again!" I laughed. "I told you I'd do it every year, Alice." she shook her head while groaning which made me laugh even more. This was going to be good.

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