Chapter 11

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First off I loveddddd Arden's chapterrrr :)

-Eve's POV-

So we're walking through the hall to potions. And by we I mean Sirius and I. But whateverrrr. We keep getting stares but I don't really care, I just can't believe Sirius would give up his fan girls to "date" me.

"Ready?" He asks as we get to the potions door, both of us remembering how he comforted me the night before here.

"Yeah. It's now or never." I take a deep breath then we walk inside.

I hear tons of wolf-whistles and cat calls. I also see lots of people making kissy faces at us, especially the slytherins. As I begin to make my way to my usual spot in the front of the room by Jade I realize Sirius is following me.

"Go sit with Prongs. It's okay." I give him a shaky smile and he kisses my forehead.

Can you say awko taco?

I sit down at my spot and wait for Jade. She comes in with Moony. Ooh... What happened there? Ill ask her later.

She scurries up and sits next to me, right as Slughorn walks in.

"Class we are making the draught of the living dead" he says. I open my book to page 394 and look at the ingredients.

I memorize what I need to grab and how much of each then I go to the store cupboard. I hear a nasally voice behind me say

"Move out of my way Jacobs."

"Snivelles" I warn "please don't make me hex you"

I push past his bat-like body and go sit next to Jade again.

"He keeps looking at me" she mutters.




"I don't know! Ask him not me"

"Well miss angry...." I trail off laughing.

"Shut up honey bear" she replies and I gasp.

"You did not just go there" I snap my fingers in a z formation and we go on a spree of calling each other weird names while making our potion. We end up with our stomachs hurting from the laughter.

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