Chapter 63

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I have a problem guys!! Idk what day it is in le story!! I'm gonna have it be Saturday. Any objections? I thought not.


-Eve's POV-

I wake up the next morning with my mind made up. I quickly dress and get ready without talking to anybody, even Jade. "Eve? Everything okay?" "Hmm?" I ask, not paying attention. "Everything okay?" "Yep! Everything's lovely!" I say and skip out of the common room.

I don't sit in the great hall, I just steal a piece of bacon from the Gryfindor table and keep walking. "Eve! Where're you going?" Sirius and James shout at me. I don't respond, I just keep walking out onto the grounds.

I suddenly feel arms wrap around me. "Get the hell off me" I pry their hands off me. I hear Josh's raspy voice say "babe it's me." I turn around and glare at him. "That was kind of the point." "What the fuck are you talking about?" He spits. "I'm breaking up with you." I state bluntly. He smirks. "Oh like hell you are!"

Then he's got me back in his hold, I'm fighting and clawing my way out. "Get the fucking hell off me!" I screech, loud enough for many people to hear. "Then say you aren't breaking up with me." "When hell freezes over." I spit at him. "What did I do Eve?" He hisses in my ear. "Hmmm...maybe the fact that you all but raped me yesterday." "It's not rape if you like it..." Now his lips are right by my ear, making every hair on my body stand on end.

I feel the weight of him against me being pulled off suddenly. I turn to see that Josh has a black eye and is laying on the ground. I see my savior with a proud smirk on his face. "Eve are you alright?" Sirius ask, a worried look in his eyes. I just stare at him, mouth wide open. "T-thank you." I mutter and he engulfs me in a hug. "Anything for you. " he whispers into my hair. I suddenly pull back from the hug. He looks shocked for a second, but the shock turns to bliss as I kiss him pationately. Full on the lips.

Jade's POV

When Eve keeps walking Sirius runs after her. "Sirius-" I yell but James stops me. "Let him go. I saw Josh follow her." he explains but I'm still confused. "What?" he quickly explains and I run after him. I see him punch Josh in the face, forcing him off of Eve. He rushes over to Eve and she kisses him. An exciting happiness begins flowing through me, but is quickly extinguished.

"SIRIUS, WATCH OUT!" I shriek and he turns around. Josh grabs him by the neck and draws his arm back. There's a psychotic look in his eyes and I quickly whip out my wand. "Wingardium Leviosa!" I yell and Josh is now in the air. I stop the spell and he plummets to the ground. I run out to see what was going on and Eve is squeezing Sirius tightly, looking terrified and grateful.

"What the hell is going on?!" I ask. Eve is shaking her head. "I don't want to talk about it. Not now. Later, just- just not now." her voice was shaky but she quickly composed herself. "Jade, I think you knocked him out." said Eve, looking at Josh. I looked too. She was right. I moved his face using my foot. "We should probably get someone." but right when I said it, Professor McGonagall was running to us. "What happened?" she asked. "You should probably get him to the infirmary." I added. She followed my eyes to Josh. "Good heavens!" she exclaimed then looked at us. "I will deal with you later." she said then began attending to Josh.

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