The Marauder Girls

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Hey guys!!! It's Kelly :) so the Ardenmaster and I are gonna write another fanfic!! But do not worry, Pyper and Peyton in Hogwarts isn't close to being done but we're just starting this one. ENJOY!!


-Eve's POV-

I look around platform 9 3/4. Where are they? Those boys.....

"Evie!!!!" I hear and I turn to see Sirius black and James Potter.

"Padfoot." I growl "I thought I told you NOT to call me that"

He looks at me,those grey eyes pleading me to not hex him. Instead I just laugh at his expression.

"C'mon now Evie dear!" James says and picks me up bridal style and runs onto the train.

"Prongs.... You probably don't want Evans to see you right?" I ask.

He drops me. Literally.

"Bloody hell! Did you get more mental over the holidays?" I ask, annoyed.

"No. I just wanted to drop you." He replies.

"I hate you." I mumble and he gives me a puppy face. I groan and walk into a compartment containing two guys and a raven-haired girl.

"Jadie-bear!" I say and hug the girl.

"Eve, I think you're turning into James..." She laughs then greets Sirius and James.

"Moony! Wormtail! Hey!" I say and hug the blonde haired boy and the mousy looking one.

"Wow Eves. You've really grown up haven't you?" Remus says. "You've gotten taller." Oh god. Trust Remus to be an awko taco.

"Yeah... You've gotten...more scars...." I'm tactless. Completely tactless.

I hear a bark-like laugh behind me and Sirius is almost rolling on the floor laughing.

"Okay. Can we just sit down?" I ask and take a seat across from Remus. Sirius sits next to me.

"Ooh. Sorry guys.... I kinda promised Lily that I'd sit with her." Jade says, her jade eyes locked on me. She knows my hatred for Lily Evans. Actually, everyone's eyes lock on me.

"Sure." I say confidently. "Go ahead. Have fun." Then she walks out the door, with James saying to put in a good word for him. Then James sits next to Peter and the train starts moving.


"Eve. Eve! EVE!" Sirius shouts.

"Bloody hell padfoot! You're going to blow my eardrums!" I say laughing.

"Oh. Yeah... So wanna help us prank some people?" He asks me. I smirk.

"Depends.... Does the name start with an s and end with an s?"

"It just so happens it does"

"Perfect.." Cue evil grin.

Then he goes into detail about what we're going to do.


There's the first chapter!!! I hope you guys liked it! Comment and tell us what you think

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