Chapter 48

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-Eve's POV-

I hear someone come in the dormitory.

"Go away. I don't want to talk." I groan.

"Well we need to talk" jade says, sitting down on my bed. "First, what'd you say to Sirius."

"I-er kinda broke up .with him..." I mutter

"You what?! Why?!?!!"

I explain what happened and she sighs, muttering about how stupid he is.

"I mean its different telling you then him telling James!"

"Yeah I know"

We talk a bit longer but then my eyes begin to droop and I doze off.


I peel open my eyes and reluctantly get out of bed. I shower and change then make my way downstairs for breakfast.

I see everybody sitting in their usual spots so I decide to sit at the opposite end of the Gryffindor table, next to some gossipy girls.

"Why aren't you sitting by Sirius?" The red-haired one asks, obviously wondering how anyone could stay away from him.

I smile. "I can tell you like him don't you?" The girl hesitantly nods.

"Go ask him out. I broke up with him last night. Tell him Eve thought it'd be a good idea to go out with you"

The girl stares at me in shock. "Why'd you break up with him?"

"No reason." I say and leave, even though I didn't eat anything.

"Miss Jacobs!" McGonagall says when she sees I'm leaving.

"Ya?" I reply.

"I do hope that you're going to that transfiguration homework that I assigned, considering you weren't in class yesterday."

"Totally!" I give her a thumbs up "that's EXACTLY what I was going to do." I give her a huge smile and walk out of the great hall.

Jade's POV

I had told The teachers some lie to make sure Eve wouldn't get in trouble for not being at the rest of her classes. I think we're friends again but I'm not sure. All I know is that I'm not friends with Marlene.

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I'm sitting at the breakfast table holding Remus's hand while sitting next to him. I'm glad we made up but I can't stop thinking about Sirius and Eve. It was weird, the way things went. If I had to guess I wouldn't have stayed with Remus and Eve would've forgiven Sirius but that's not at all what happened. Sirius is looking down at his plate and eating eggs in a angry manner.

"Sirius," I begin. He looks up and I just shake my head. I wasn't sure what I was going to say. 'You need to stop being angry about the girl you love breaking up with you.' didn't sound very helpful. He looks back down and eats his eggs just as furiously as before.

Eve walks by us and Sirius follows her with his eyes, hope evident in them. She doesn't so much as acknowledge us and sits by some redheaded girl that I doubt she even knows and the hope goes as quickly as it came.

"Sirius she'll come around." Says James and pats him on the shoulder. He pushes his hand off which hurts James. He just pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose and turns.

Moments later the redheaded girl that was sitting with Eve walks up and taps Sirius on the shoulder. He turns around and gives her a sort of glare but she continues. "Um Eve, the girl you were dating, said it'd be a good idea to ask you out." James and Remus are trying not to laugh, Sirius is staring at her with a hurt look on his face, Peter is looking nervous as usual and I have a look of sympathetic horror.

We're at the end of the table so I walk around it to her and whisper in her ear. "He's really upset. I'm sorry she had you come up here. I wouldn't ask that for a while." tears are welled up in the girls eyes and she's blushing bright red. Clearly embarrassed she says "Okay. Thank you." and runs off back to her seat.

I walk back around to my seat and everyone's attention is directed towards Sirius. He looks up, rage streaked across his face except for in his eyes which bleed with sorrow. "What are you looking at? Go on and eat your stupid breakfast!" he almost yells. Everyone looks back to their plates except for me. I keep looking at him.

He isn't himself. He has the same face but it's no longer animated with the glint of amusement it once was. He has the same hair but it's no longer playfully messy. Now it looks as if it's messy because he was too upset to fix it. He has the same body but it's no longer in a confident posture. Now it's hunched back as if he's closing in on himself. I wonder if he will ever be the same again and lose my appetite.

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