Chapter 71

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Jade's POV

We go around going a few small pranks, since we were already under the Hogwarts staff radar. I would get happy and laugh for a moment, but only a moment. I couldn't get my mind off of Wood. Damn Wood! I just couldn't get my mind off of it. So, whenever we got back to the commons I took Remus and kissed him, while sitting on his lap.

"Okay, what is up with all of these random kisses?" he asked. "It's only two." I veered off subject."You know what I mean. What's going on with you?" I smile. "Nothing. I am aloud to love you aren't I?" James grinned. "She's got you there, Moony." I then thanked the universe for James Potter for helping me veer off topic. Of course, it didn't work with Remus. "I'm serious. You may not tell me, but I'll figure it out Jade Evertell." I doubt it, I thought as I said "I have nothing to hide." tying my stomach in knots. He raised his eyebrows in inquiry but didnt say anything.

I began kissing him, trying to distract myself, until James made a uncomfortable noise and Sirius said "I thought we were done with the suck-your-face-off-Jade." I gave him an irritated look. "Well, I doubt Remus minds." James muttered it to himself but we all heard it. "I don't." replied Remus bluntly. "Remus Lupin!" I exclaimed, as James, Sirius, Peter, and Eve laughed. "Well, would you rather me say I did mind?" asked Remus as if he knew he won. "I- Well- shut up!" I exclaimed. "Why the reappearance of make-out-in-public-Jade?" asked Eve. "Oh, Hell. How many fucking nicknames do you need for it?" they bellowed out into more laughter and I buried my blushing face into the crook of Remus's neck.

He smelt nice. No way to explain it really, just nice. Just Remus.

It was then that I forgot about Tyler Wood. I forgot about everyone in fact. But it was only when I took my face away from his neck that I realized it. I realized that it didn't matter what Tyler said. And I didn't even care that he said it. Because it didn't change anything, like I feared. I fully and truly loved Remus, and one confession of a crush, not even love, could change that. So I just relaxed on Lupin's lap, listening to the marauders speak, without actually taking part in it. All I wanted was a perfect moment, and I somehow.... Found it.

-Eve's POV-

Soon it's just Sirius and I, considering all the others went up to bed. "Eve?" He asks quietly. "Hmm?" He takes a deep breath. "Will you promise me something?" I smile sweetly at him. "Anything." "Promise me we'll stay together until the end." I kiss his cheek. "Until the very end." I cuddle into him and he kisses my forehead. "Good. I don't want to lose you again. Ever." Ever? What's that mean? Does that mean m- no that can't be what that means. Right?

I quickly kiss him goodnight and walk up to the girl's dormitory and wake jade. Soon after, I tell her what happened and she squeals. "What?" I ask, eyes wide.

"It meansssss that he wants to be with you forever!" I roll my eyes. "Yeah I got that." She sighs. "It means he basically wants to marry you!!" She squeaks. "What?" I splutter.

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