Chapter 9

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-Eves POV-

So as Dumbledore starts talking I see a hand come and try to grab my sausage.

"Bad Padfoot! Bad!" I say and flick his nose. He drops the sausage but then bites my hand. What the bloody hell?!?!

After Dumbledore is done talking I see a brunette with almost orange skin walk up to us, hips swaying. Probably his new 'girl of the week!'.

"Hey Siri...." She plants a kiss right on his lips, him looking at her in disgust. Except its weird...normally he wouldn't respond with disgust and loathing. But whatever. I find it quite amusing.

Jade and I look at each other and each bust out laughing. . James, sadly, is gazing at Evans in awe, Moony is sneaking glances at Jade while reading, and Wormy.....he's talking to a rather pudgy Hufflepuff.

Speaking of Hufflepuffs...

"Hey Eve!! Long time no see!" Amos cries.

I saw him Y.E.S.T.E.R.D.A.Y.

"Yeah. I know." I reply and begin to inch away.

"So do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me next trip?" He blurts out. Damn. I don't want to be mean to the poor guy.

"Um....Amos. Listen..... I kinda..." I trail off but a VERY voice behind me says "she's already going with me."

Amos looks more shocked then I am.

"Oh you two are a couple?" He asks.

I'm about to protest when the person behind me says 'of course! She's just so beautiful!' Then he spins me around and crashes his lips to mine.

Ummm. WOW. That's all I can really say. But wtf!!! NOOOO. That. Is. Not. Possible.

I break the kiss and he slings his arm around my shoulder.

"Wow. Way to put that out there huh Padfoot." I punch his arm playfully, silently thanking him for rescuing me from that situation.

"Well I can't have people stealing my girl." He laughs.

"Shut up." I fake-glare at him.


"I hate you..."

"You love me!"

"Nope. Pretty sure I hate you."

"You looove meeee"


So then he throws me over his shoulder and winks at all the people staring at us. I ouch his back and say warningly

"Padfoot. Put me the hell down"

"Nope" then he walks out of the great hall with our friends' eyes wide as saucers.

As soon as we get outside we both convulse in laughter, making him almost drop me.

"! Your acting was brilliant!!" I finally get out.

"I know. I'm always brilliant." He says cockily.

"That was genius!! Thankythankyouthankyou!" I plant a kiss on his cheek. "Wait......damn! I'm dating you now aren't i?" I ask and he grins.

"We all know you want this to be real.." He smirks and snakes his arm around my waist as we make our way into potions.

"In your dreams black."

"Oh don't worry, you are"

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