Chapter 64

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-Eve's POV-

I'm latched onto Sirius, clinging to him as if my life depended on it. His arm in circles me, making me feel safe, like nothing could hurt me. "This is all my fault...I'm such a idiot." I mutter and Sirius squeezes my shoulder. "Don't say that. Don't ever say that" he all but growls. "We're all gonna get in trouble.." I sigh. Sirius gasps. "Who are you and what have you done with Eve Jacobs???" I look up at him my eyebrow raised. "Shut up, Padfoot."

I see Jade standing a couple yards away talking to Moony. I break out of Sirius' embrace and walk over to them. "Eve" Remus grins. "Hey Moony, do you mind if I steal Jade away for a bit?" He looks at jade then back at me. "Not at all."

Jade and I start walking away from the two Marauders. "So what's up?" She asks. "Why am I so blind sometimes?" I wonder aloud. "I mean how did I not realize that Josh was such a douche?" Jade sighs and is silent for a moment. "I think you might have wanted to get back together with Sirius all along. Subconsciously, I think you still wanted to be with him." I look at her, confused. "What's that got to do with Josh?" "It's like you wanted to get into a bad relationship just to be with him again." Wow. That actually makes sense. "When did you get so insightful?" I laugh and she shrugs. "I've been hanging out with Remus." That explains it. I laugh some more. "Well I'm gonna go hop off to do something." I say. Jade raises her eyebrows, smirking "something with Sirius?" I slap her arm. "Not like that, freak!" "Well it's not like it hasn't happened befo-" I cut her off but starting to run away and screaming "BYE JADE!" She shouts back "USE PROTECTION!" "SHUT UP!!" "MAKE ME!" "I DON'T LIKE YOU!" "YOU LOVE ME!" "WHATEVER, EVERTELL!"

And I don't look where I'm going and end up running into somebody. "Hey Padfoot..." I laugh. He chuckles at me "what did Jade do this time?" He asks. "She thinks we're gonna 'get it on'" I say, not being able to keep a straight face and laughing. "Well..." He murmurs. "Never again! Do you hear me!!" I giggle. "Never!" He smirks cheekily at me "oh that's what you say now." I shake my head at him, laughing and get off of him. "Hey! I liked that position!" He complains. "Shush up. Now since we're gonna get into trouble anyway, what do you say we do a bit of pranking?" He offers me his arm and says poshly "right you are m'lady"

Jade's POV

After I talked to Eve, I went to talk to Remus. "Hey, Remus." I say and grab hold of his hand. "You know, I give you all these nicknames and I'm still Remus. Why is that?" my from gets even bigger. "How about I call you Lupin?" he half smiles. "What am I going to do with you?" he asks. "How about this?" I say and get on my tipy toes to kiss him.i get back on my feet and wrap my arm around his waist. "I either need to get taller or you need to get shorter." I say. He laughs a little. "I don't think either of those things are likely to happen, love." I smile. "Neither do I." we walk a little longer in silence and, like most of our conversations, it drifts off to Eve and Sirius's relationship.

"How do you think Eve and Sirius are?" he looks at me. "I think we need to stop talking about them all the damn time." I laugh hard at the sentence only because Remus rarely says words like that. "I can't believe you just said that!" he grins "Well, someone had to! We should talk about other things." I rolls my eyes. "Like what?" his face contorts into one of concentration then he breaks out into a laugh. "I have no idea. Wow, we have wasted away at talking about them that we don't even know what else to do. That's sad." I hunch over in laughter trying to contain myself. "Oh my God! It really is sad!" he scoops me up and beings carrying me down the halls. "Contain yourself Jade Evertell!" I keep laughing. "I can't!" he carries me to the commons and we run into McGonagall.

"I would like to speak to you about Josh." she says firmly and Remus immediately puts me down. "Alright," he says "Okay." I say and she takes us down to Dumbledores office.

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