Chapter 75

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Jade's POV

When we get to Hogwarts and agree not to tell anyone about the "battle" at the Three Broomsticks, I go to talk to McGonagall for career advice. My main goal gas always just been, pass exams but it's about time that I figure out what I'm passing the exams for. I knock on the classroom door as I enter to let her know that I'm there. "Um, Professor, can you help me with something?" she smiles genuinely and replies "Of course Miss Evertell. What is it?" she sets aside her parchment and quill so she can direct her attention towards me. I walk up to her desk and get to the point.

"Professor, what do you think would be a good career path for me?" she furrows her brow a bit and looks aw of she's wrestling something within her own mind. "Well.. Hmmm... I'm not so sure..." she mumbles like that for a bit then looks at me. "Jade," she beings, which unnerves me a bit because she never uses anyone's first names. "I think you could be fit for just about any job but there is one that I think you'd be good for." she laces her fingers together and sets them gently on the desk. "Of course, I don't like telling students this because it's a very dangerous job, but I believe if anyone in your year could handle the job it's you." my stomach twists in knots. How horrible is this job? Is it something she'd only tell unintelligent students? Is that why she doesn't want to say? But she said this job was quite dangerous... "What is it, Professor?" I asked, a little too urgently. She didn't seem to notice the urgency in my voice but did reply.

"I think you would make an excellent Auror." her words took me aback. "An Auror? Why wouldn't you want to tell a student that?" she kept her serious expression on. "I don't want you to go into the field just because I told you to. I don't want you thinking that just because I said you could do well that you don't have to be careful. This job is quote dangerous and you could get hurt but I do think that you have what it takes to get the job done, Miss Evertell." I thought it over for a moment, thinking about whether I could do it or not.

"Professor, what makes you think that I could do well?" "For starters, you do exceptionally well in you Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Better than most of the students I've seen." I nodded. "Well, what else?" she gave a mischievous smile then "And when your friend almost got attacked by Mr. Erie, you managed to give him quite the beating, with that broken rib and all." it took all of my will power to not laugh in shock at her. Instead I just smiled giddily and walked out of the room to tell the Marauders about my excellent career choice.

-Eve's POV-

"An auror? Jade that's amazing!" I shout, after hearing she finally knows what she wants to be.

"Well, what about you Eve? What are you thinking?" I shrug. "I don't know, i'll probably just not work for a while and wait a bit before getting a job."

"Why?" Moony asks as James screeches "Are you pregnant??!?!" My eyes go wide and I look at Sirius, who looks like he's in shock. I poke Sirius' cheek and glare at James. "You broke him" James shrugs and starts naming baby names. "Ooh! I like James jr. Or Timothy! And if its a girl you should name her Lily and-" I cut him off.

"PRONGS! SHUT THE BLOODY HELL UP! IM NOT PREGNANT!" I shout and James looks at me, flabbergasted. "Then why do you just want to stay home for a while after Hogwarts? Riddle me this." He demands. "Hmm...." I fake think. "Maybe because I have no fucking idea what I want to do." He looks away from me and mutters something like "you should still name him James jr."

Now I focus my attention on Sirius. "Padfoot?" I ask warily "Are you okay?" His head snaps up as if he was coming up from a daze. "What? Yeah I'm fine." I giggle at his concerned expression. "Prongs is just an idiot." I mutter.

"No prongs is not!" James protests and Moony pats him on the shoulder. "Sorry,mate, but you kind of are.." James fake cries on Jade's shoulder. "Jadie!!" He blubbers. "They're being mean to me!" Jade pats him soothingly on the back. "I know Prongsie, I know."

I look at Sirius, who's grinning at me. "What?" I ask. He just chuckles. "You. You're feisty! I like it." He winks and I hit his shoulder. "You are such a perv."

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

Finally James cuts in "will you guys shut up and just do it already!?" I glare at him as Jade calls "If it's a girl, name her Jade!"

I facepalm. "I realllly need new friends"

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