Chapter 74

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Jade's POV

After Owls we go to Hogsmeade to celebrate, if I may quote James "Not going into cardiac arrest while taking them." I don't let go of Remus's hand the entire time, not because I'm clingy but because neither one of us seemed willing to pull away. We walked into the Three Broomsticks, all of us Marauders, and sat down. "Good Lord woman, bring me a butterbeer this instant or I will spit in your hair!" yelled James, pounding his fist on our table. Remus gave him a look, like an angry parent, and I laughed. "That was quite the threat." I replied with sarcasm. The woman working the tables came over, looking at James with anger for his comment about spitting in her hair. Somehow, I was sure she was more upset about him yelling at her than his pathetic threat. "We all want butterbeers." I told her kindly while everyone else was conversing. She didn't seem to take my kind voice into consideration before she scowled at me and left to get our drinks. "James, you really need to be nicer to the staff." I scolded. He just laughed it off and continued talking.

"All I'm saying is that if Dumbledore is the all time wizard. He could win a fight against anyone, you name it." that's when Sirius retorted "Not Godric Gryffindor!" James laughed, as if that suggestion was absolutely absurd. "Just because he's a historical figure, doesn't mean he can beat Dumbledore!" if I wasn't smiling then I was smiling when he spoke again. "Moony, what do you think?" they basically believed that just about everything Remus said was true. "You know," he said smirking making me wonder what he was up to. "I'm going to let you two settle this..." Eve's and Peter's eyes went wide. "Oh no, last time you let them settle things they nearly caught Hogsmeade on fire!" said Peter. Remus just shrugged, making me laugh. "Remind me why they still let us in here?" asked Eve, making everyone but Sirius and James, who were staring each other in the eye, each gaining for power.

We watched them tentatively, on edge, just hoping they wouldn't do something stupid. They both stand up in complete synchrony, showing just how alike they are. Before we know it they both have their wands and are flinging, potentially harmful but not deadly, spells at each other. "You've done it now Lupin..." I say anxiously. He just smiling, knowing how much I truly enjoy it. I just blush and roll my eyes. Suddenly, James and Sirius both hit the walls behind them, knocking over tables and spilling butterbeers in the process. They both fall to the floor and rub their head, indicating that it hurt. I try to gasp to seem considerate but give up when my laugh breaks through.

"Out!" yells the waitress that James threatened not two minutes ago. She then walks up to James and says something I couldn't hear, and we all walk out. "So much for a butterbeer." complained Eve. I looked at James and asked "What did she say to you?" I smiled and replied. "She threatened to spit in my hair."

-Eve'a POV-

"You're an idiot really." I tell Sirius after the whole Three Broomsticks fiasco. He flashes me a cheeky grin. "But I'm your idiot." I laugh.

"Oh you wish you were that cool." I say and Sirius pouts. "Oi!" James shouts. "Quit acting like an old married couple! It's getting annoying!"

I stick my tongue out at James. "Shut up Prongs. You're just jealous!" I yell back. Sirius mutters to me "he really just is." I laugh and glare at James, who puts his hands up in defense. "It's not my fault you two are disgustingly romantic." I look at Sirius, trying to keep a straight face as I barely get out "and it's not MY fault you're madly in love with a girl who'd rather date Snape." Everybody gapes at me, except Sirius who squeezes my shoulder and chuckles "that's my girl, strong,independent, and-" I cut him off. "Could totally whip your ass if I had to?"

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