Chapter 22

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Jade's POV

Eve runs out of the room and as soon as she shuts the door I yell "Damn it!" and stomp my foot on the ground. "Prongs, I have a question for you. Why couldn't you just shut up?"I only called them by there nicknames on occasion. Mostly when I have extreme emotions and this one was anger.

Remus laughs and I say "Don't think I'm not mad at you either Moony. Prongs wasn't the only one to speak." They sit there silent for a moment then Sirius talks. "She hates me, doesn't she?" I roll my eyes and shake my head.

"No, Sirius, she doesn't. You just come off too strong and now she's mad at you. Like I've explained already. If you do what you've done it doesn't come off good for Eve." I have both hands on my hips now.

"That makes no sense, Jade. How does that even work?I thought girls liked confident guys." Said Peter. All the boys were so confused. "He doesn't always come off as confident. Sometimes he's just cocky." They all ponder that for a moment.

"I don't understand." they all say it at the same time causing me to roll my eyes. "You know what? I'm going to go find Eve. You stay here while you try to figure out the female brain." I walk right out to go find her.

Okay, she's upset and she diet go back to the room. That means she's either forcing her studies down her throat or playing quidditch. I'm going to go with quidditch. I go out on the quidditch field and find her with Tyler Wood. they're both in the air flying around and laughing.

I yell "In the air huh? Most people prefer beds but that's creative." they both look down at me then start to land. Eve's cheeks are now bright red but Woods just laughing. "Nice joke beater." he never called me by my actual name.

"Are you at all aware that my name is Jade?" "No, but I'll make a note of it." I roll my eyes and laugh.

"Jade, what are you doing here?" Eve was obviously annoyed." You're going to have to deal with Sirius sooner or later." "I choose later then." she says. I can tell she's just waiting for the conversation to be over.

"He thinks you hate him. He's an emotional wreck." I hear laughter and turn to Wood. "Sirius! An emotional wreck? I'd pay to see that!" I push him and he stumbles. He doesn't fall but I walk away before I try to strangle him.

I know Tyler likes Eve but I don't think she'll go for him. Or at least I hope not.

I don't want to go back without Eve because then Sirius will tank that she hates him for sure. Ugh! I'm so sick of being caught in the middle!

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