Chapter 56

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-Eve's POV- 

The next day is Saturday so we don't have any classes so I go off to the quidditch pitch alone. And, since I slept late, most everybody is already up. As I walk by people, I hear tons of them hiss like snakes, but its mostly the other Gryffindors that I pass that are the worst. I hear shouts of 'Why don't you just switch houses!' And things like 'Snake lover!'  

I just grit my teeth and push past them until I feel someone grab my arm. I turn to see Tyler wood. "What do you want? Gonna kick me off them team for dating a Slytherin?" I ask annoyed and jerk my arm out of his grasp.  

I walk down to the quidditch pitch but instead going on the field I sit in the stand and curl into a ball.  

I start sobbing then I throw my broom down on the empty field. I hear someone come out here and then I hear running up the steps.  

He comes over and puts his arm around me, drawing me closer up him. "What's wrong, love?" He asks, probably expecting me to push him away, saying I want to be alone.  

"So, everyone keeps hissing at me through the halls like snakes...then the other Gryffindors keep calling me snake lover and telling me to just become a Slytherin because they don't want me." I say,still sobbing lightly.  

"Shh....don't'll be okay"  

"No it won't." I mutter.  

"Now what's with your broom on the ground?" "I'm quitting the quidditch team."  

He looks shocked. "No. I absolutely cannot let you do that. You love quidditch." 

"Well when your whole house hates you..."  

"It'll be alright,love, I promise..."  

I look up at him, the ghost of a grin playing on my lips.  

"Whatever you say, Sirius."

Jade's POV

Remus and I were sitting in the commons room together but it was anything but enjoyable. Anytime someone walked in there was a question about Eve awaiting us. "How could you let Eve date a Slytherin?" "How could you be friends with Eve after she dated a Slytherin?" "Why is Eve dating a Slytherin?"

Finally, a group of Gryffindors came in bombarding me with questions. "Enough!" I yell and everyone falls silent. I stand up. "I have a question for all of you. If you don't care at all about Slytherin, as you say, why do you contribute most of your day to talking about them? Just shut up and get on with your lives! There's much more interesting things to talk about!" most fell silent except for a seventh year who yelled "Does that make you a snake lover too?" I rolled my eyes. "Who cares! What does it matter if someone dates a Slytherin? I honestly thought that people might have more of a rich full life than this! Shut up and don't ask me anymore questions about it because frankly, I don't care." and with that I sat back down. I didn't get anymore questions on Eve thankfully.

I finally got to just talk to Remus. In doing so, I realized we honestly haven't had anytime to talk to each other. Not really talk. But that ended quickly when he noticed my nervous state.

"What's wrong?" I sighed. After I stopped crying when I talked to Sirius last night I went back to the party without another word to him. "It's... it's just Sirius. I got really mad at him the other night and I haven't talked to him since." "Oh... You'll see him today and you can make up." I nodded then ginned widely. "So, what other ridiculously titled books do you plan to read?"

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