Chapter 45

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-Eve's POV-

My breath catches in my chest and my mouth goes dry.

"JADE!!" I shriek and storm down the stairs.

"Where is that little bitc-" Sirius puts his hand over my mouth.

"Evie-bear..." Sirius chortles "what happened?"

I point to Remus "ask his little demon of a girlfriend!"

Sirius looks confused so I storm upstairs and grab the note and hand it to him, tears streaming down my face.

I see Sirius crumple up the note and throw it at the wall. Then he comes and incircles me in his arms.

"It's alright, love"

"W-why would she d-do that? I-it's so cruel." I whimper.

"Shh. Shh its alright." He coos

"No! It isn't. S-she could tell people!"

"Are you embarrassed?"

"No I just don't want people to know!"

"Why not?" He questions.

"I'm 15!" I exclaim.

"Why is this such a big deal? If you didn't want to-" I cut him off with an "ugh!"

"Sirius, she called me a slut that's why this is a big deal!" I storm out then go find the demon spawn.

Jade's POV

I'm laughing at something Marlene had said when I hear someone behind me. "You loathsome, evil little bitch!" I turn around to see Eve holding a piece of paper. "What the hell are you talking about Eve?" I was already angry with her why is she calling me names?! "This!" she thrusts the piece of paper into my hands and I read it. Slut. "Who wrote this?" I ask almost in a whisper. "Don't even pretend Jade! I know it was you! It couldn't be anyone else!" rage overcomes me and I begin to scream.

"I did not write this! I would never write this about you Eve! No matter how mad I am at you! And why would I try to make things worse between us when all I want is for it to be better! And why are you accusing me again?! That's what got us into this stupid mess in the first place!" I hadn't realized it until I stopped screaming but I was standing now. She looked confused and then said "Well then who did it Jade? Who?" I stand there biting my lip out of nervousness. It began to bleed but I didn't care.

"Jade." I turn around to the sound of my name. Marlene. "What is it?" I ask sighing a sigh of anger. "I.. I did it." I bite my lip harder. "Can I trust anyone?" I say to my surprise and everyone else's as I begin to leave. I hear Eve ask Marlene "How did you know?" and Marlene say "Know what?" and I hear footsteps running up behind me as i run up to the commons to cry.

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