Chapter 6

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Jade's POV

I start racing towards the bathroom so I may possibly cry in peace but a hand grabs my arm before I can. I turn and tug my arm away to see that it's Remus. I didn't need this right now.

I wanted to walk away but I felt that I should thank him. "Hey Remus, I just want to thank you for restraining me. I know that if you hadn't done that I probably would've thrown a punch and possibly be expelled. Sometimes I just don't think about what I'm doing." I want to walk away but Remus obviously wants to tell me something. I stand there for a moment and then he speaks.

"Why did you want to punch him?' asked Remus. He was catching on. He knew that I knew about his crush on me. "He was obviously getting to you for some reason and I didn't want to tolerate it." I didn't have to lie but I wasn't necessarily telling the truth.

"Jade. Is there. Do I. I mean." Remus sighs. I feel bad and I want to tell him that I know but I don't. Instead I say "I'm fine." it kind of made sense but not really. Remus nodded while we both were looking at the ground. "Okay," he said. "We better get back to the dining hall before anyone catches us." I nod, now looking up at him.

He was so tall and I was quite short compared to him. We begin to walk to the hall and sneak into our places. James was there and so was Peter but Eve and Sirius were missing. "Where's Eve and Sirius?" I ask James. " I tried to comfort Eve but she didn't seem to want to talk to me so her and Sirius went somewhere and he's comforting her."

I don't say anything. I'm just glad that Sirius began to take this seriously. It actually made me get over wanting to wring his neck.

I'm not paying attention to the sorting mostly because I don't care but also because I have a ton on my mind. Remus liking me, feeling bad for trying to hurt Sirius, but what was really sticking in my mind was Eve.

I was so careless talking about Lily in front of her. She was already made and I just had to add to it. I felt really bad even when the feast began. That's when Eve and Sirius slipped back in.

Right as soon as Sirius sat down I said "Sorry for trying to hurt you but if Remus hadn't been holding me down I so could've taken you." That caused us all to laugh and made things a whole lot better.

"I'd like to see you try." I smiled at him and he smiled back and everything was okay again.

After the feast Eve and I went into our room so we could talk. "I'm so sorry Eve. I didn't mean to set you off like that." Eve smiled. "That's okay, I may have over reacted a bit." I laughed. "No, you reacted perfectly fine. But if you don't mind me asking who is it that you like?" Eve began laughing really hard and almost couldn't stop.

Finally she was able to control herself and say "Isn't it obvious? It's Prongs." I do a face palm. "Oh my God that explains so much. That explains everything!" Eve begins to laugh even more as I wallow in my stupidity.

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