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Hey guys, this is Arden. I know that Kelly and I had already started a second Marauder Girls but we didn't really have the time to write and also didn't really like the way it was going. We were even thinking about maybe not even doing another Marauder Girls book. But since we've taken it down, we've been told by quite a few people that they liked the second book and wanted more. 

Because you guys seem to like it so much (and because Kelly and I enjoy writing it) we're going to start writing a second Marauder Girls book. It's not going to be the same as the last one we wrote, it will most likely be drastically different, but we do think that it will be a good addition to the first book and that you will all like it. 

We're not sure when we're going to publish this book but it will probably take a long while. Kelly and I want to make sure that we know where we want the story to go and want to be able to change the direction of the story at any moment without making a big mess out of it. We just want to make the best book possible for you to read and if that means that it will take a while then I think it's worth it. 

Reading over this now, it all seems very formal and business like so here's this mess that I must get out before all of you think I'm a stuck up business lady-

Love all of you! You all deserve megaponydinounicorns and I hope you all have lovely days you little ducklings! Follow your dreams, eat a chicken nugget, and fly through the sky on a rainbow rocket!!!! 

Love always, 


PS. Arden is a strange girl. Hahahaha potato.

Kelly x

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2014 ⏰

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